Black Spirituality Religion : Remember this commandmend:"'thou shalt have no other gods before me..


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2004
Satan is verry active in the gods goddeses bussines...

his plan is to make people believe...

that we Can ""iluminate ourselfs"' ....

if fact what he is trying to say...

is that we can be God......

that was always his plan tell us lies..

enlighten yourself he sais...

thou shall not die ...when you eat of this fruit..
was one of his first Lies ..

his plan is to build up that ego of you..

what he is trying to tell us ...
is that we dont need a Savior...

and so we do..

but we can never be God....

a car can not suddenly excist from outof itself ...
therefor there was Is a Creator... who invented the car...

we are called sons and daughters of the Living God...

and Jezus said that we are able to do also his works (exept for the saving part from or sins he already has done ,satan is under our feet and he Jezus is King)

AND EVEN greater ...

hello Wake up...

but that doesnt make us God..

because all the power we get from him...
and so therefore all the Glory.....

God is a jalours God if we believe in all these so called gods old gods ...
the god of this the old ancient god of....

what tha what wha ...

didnt he said...

thou shall have to other gods before me...

neighter what they teached or what they said....

wake up people ...

There is One APLHA and OMEGA......
I'm a Luciferian Gnostic and a "Left Hand Path" practitioner, so I'm automatically aligned with the darker entities such as Tiamaat, Kingu, Apep, Sut-Typhon, the Great Old Ones, Ahriman, Lilith, Satan, Lucifer, the Titans, Goetia, Qlippoth workings, ectera.

There is nothing wrong with self-illumination or self-elevation and putting the Self first! the Left Hand Path recognizes the divine within and that no god or goddess is no more important than YOUR OWN SELF (SOUL)! The Right Hand Path aka religion is nothing more than enslavement.
There is One APLHA and OMEGA......

You speak truth. Though many are caught up in Satan's devices, the Holy son awaits for all who truly want to be set free from sin and the dangers of hell fire. The Holy Son awaits at the right Hand of the Father for all who seek salvation, those who believe the end of this world and corruption are to come just as He prophesied to this generation.

All we need for is to call upon the Father in the Name of the Anointed Son.:) He hears all who speak in truth and seek His shelter of His embrace.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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