Through twists and turns
been gone to learn
down dark pathways
cold winds been blowin'
my wintry seasons
passing... showin me I still got...
springtime..inside of me.
Didnt know for a minute
didnt care for awhile...
guess thats why seasons change
people change
but my growth wasnt necessarily inevitable
coulda stayed buried deep...
dormant....for another seasons passing....
man...the sun...........sure feels good.
Thankyou Allah
for everything
your humble servant
Rallah Salaam Shabazz
been gone to learn
down dark pathways
cold winds been blowin'
my wintry seasons
passing... showin me I still got...
springtime..inside of me.
Didnt know for a minute
didnt care for awhile...
guess thats why seasons change
people change
but my growth wasnt necessarily inevitable
coulda stayed buried deep...
dormant....for another seasons passing....
man...the sun...........sure feels good.
Thankyou Allah
for everything
your humble servant
Rallah Salaam Shabazz