Black People : Racism in Pro Sports....

When someone will ask me tommorow,

Sesh Ra Ur said:
As an athlete my entire life I'm drawn to sport. Its more than that but we'll leave it at that. I've built a well enough read blog at the Black Beast...Enjoy. What do you think? Relevant? Topical? Insights and improvements?

who is winning the Patriots or the Giants,
I will respond ;
White man winning/ Black man losing
Sports are thier last hold,
on real slavery;
cause when you have college educated men makng millions of dollars , who cannot speak out about the social, economic and political ills in their communities here and abroad, then THAT is slavery:qqb002:

and I've never truly seen it that way...For me the amount of money one is paid in this society does not equal one's social responsibility.... (ability to respond). A person's social responsibility is part of one's duty when one becomes an adult, for me. It has to be that way; for if it is not, then adult hood, person hood, is a function of capital and that is as alienating a view as any model of society offered by the west, I believe.... No matter what that view is encapsulated in whether the cloak is pro-black socio-spiritual, political words or any other.

I guess my point is these men, these millionaires are no more enslaved than Bonita eatin' chicken wings at Popeye's because they make the same socio-political choices in their world. They both hate themselves and me regardless of their incomes. They both are enslaved, to what ever degree that hate dictates their actions when we view them and their choices as they act in this society. If they are not equal, then I've allowed their "loot" to determine their worth and accepted a western view point of a person's "worth". And that analysis is the same thinking which created slavery....
Sesh Ra Ur said:
and I've never truly seen it that way...For me the amount of money one is paid in this society does not equal one's social responsibility.... (ability to respond). A person's social responsibility is part of one's duty when one becomes an adult, for me. It has to be that way; for if it is not, then adult hood, person hood, is a function of capital and that is as alienating a view as any model of society offered by the west, I believe.... No matter what that view is encapsulated in whether the cloak is pro-black socio-spiritual, political words or any other.

I guess my point is these men, these millionaires are no more enslaved than Bonita eatin' chicken wings at Popeye's because they make the same socio-political choices in their world. They both hate themselves and me regardless of their incomes. They both are enslaved, to what ever degree that hate dictates their actions when we view them and their choices as they act in this society. If they are not equal, then I've allowed their "loot" to determine their worth and accepted a western view point of a person's "worth". And that analysis is the same thinking which created slavery....

This is very true what you speak.
Who said anything about rich or poor

A slave mentality is a slave mentality, period.
I was really refering,(and you know what i ment so this doesn't deteriorate into an arguement) the classification of free agent as opposed to........,
and the ovewrwhelming number of white OWNERS.

You know there are quite a few Blacks that get in the "lime light" and say they are now individuals with no responsibility to the race,
I will not make the assumption wether that is right or wrong but I will leave that to the viewers of this post

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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