Black Atheists : Question... "Will Folks Recognize Each Other in Heaven or in the Afterlife?"


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2019
:pc:Since so many of you firmly believe in Religion's teachings of the afterlife, which includes a place called Hevean & a place rereferred to as Hell, etc. Where did such teaching come from exactly. I'll tell you Religion! While actually no (humans that is,) one knows where either place actually is! Accordingly, heaven is up in the sky, in the cosmos while hell in below (in the inner planet) our feet, etc. Often humans are taught to view heaven as a reward for living the bible way (ten commandments) of life, etc. Hell, as taught is the place for sinners as outline in the various scriptures and the ten commandments, etc. So back to my original question, "will humans that are deceased recognize each other in Heaven, Hell, or in the afterlife period?" Will deceased humans retain their identity in the afterlife? Humans are quick to say that their deceased love ones have gone to Heaven, 99% of the times it's said this way. "They are looking down from heaven, etc." Since everything on this planet happens within the natural order of things, there can be no afterlife, or spiritual magic, etc. There is but life and death, no afterlife, etc. There will be no transcending from physical death to some spiritual afterlife spirit. it's just not happening. The end of one's physical life is just that the end. It's the "natural order of things". Yet. the various male created Religions will of course teach you different. Remember the fear surrounding God... Explain why" No One Can See God's Face and Live." Yet according to the teachings, humans are made in God's image. what a way to secure/seal off, this particular Religion from questions. End of story.
When folks say that they are going to join their loved ones in heaven, etc. That is after their death, how will they recognize them? Many obituaries are written this way, etc. They will be greeted by their loved ones, etc. In what form will this be in, etc. Will there be a spiritual reunion, or what? How will the departed know their loved ones, etc. Any answers...
@SwagII ... great question ... I googled and found interpretations of scripture that suggest we will be able to recognize our loved ones after death :


I must disagree with any efforts to explain that such a transition and such a recognizable concept exits. Why... Because our mental consciousness does not survive death. People speak of souls, etc. As when one dies, this soul apparently leaves the body, and it goes where? Lies in wait where? According to scripture, there is this judgment day, the raising of the souls, etc. Then comes the assignment, be it heaven or hell, etc. So why are folk's souls/spirits, entering heaven or hell without the prescribed judgement? All funerals' readings have folks joing their loved ones, etc., in heaven, etc. Isn't this before this fabled spiritual judgment day. What's wrong with this....
I must disagree with any efforts to explain that such a transition and such a recognizable concept exits. Why... Because our mental consciousness does not survive death. People speak of souls, etc. As when one dies, this soul apparently leaves the body, and it goes where? Lies in wait where? According to scripture, there is this judgment day, the raising of the souls, etc. Then comes the assignment, be it heaven or hell, etc. So why are folk's souls/spirits, entering heaven or hell without the prescribed judgement? All funerals' readings have folks joing their loved ones, etc., in heaven, etc. Isn't this before this fabled spiritual judgment day. What's wrong with this....

What makes you so sure that our mental consciousness does not survive death? I do not know for sure, what happens after death. Anything I share would be my hope, as I have yet to experience it. Prior to my Mother's passing, I asked her to come back and talk to me, if she could. Even with this, I have had her only in a few wonderful dreams since her passing many years ago. I do hope I get to see her again, hug her, wallow in her wonderfulness, but I do not know if it will happen in the capacity you're speaking. Again, Spirituality / Religion is so personal, with each of us having the ability to believe as we see fit. I am not in a position to argue against your position, or for my own. We will all just have to die and see what is on the other side, how it will be, etc.



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