Black People : Question for Brother Keita

........until you hear it out of a white person's mouth directed at you. Then, all the rules change.
You are not required to give it power, believe in it or even acknowledge it. Just as racism, it stands alone and feeds on itself. It is a foul, disgusting & hateful word that shows it's ugliness every time it's spoken/heard.

What does it mean?
This is such an interesting thread and a testimony of a few things. First of all, we have to get away from our acceptance of adhering to the way and how our enemy (white people) define reality as they have been doing for our people for far too long. What is an Acronym? An acronym are initials that stand for something else. N.A.A.C.P. is an acronym and we all know what it means. U.S.A. is an acronym and we all know what it means...but when it comes to other acronyms we are ignorant and swear on grandma and everybody else that somebody cussing us out. That is only because of our ignorance (state of not knowing). Take for example; the word F.U.C.K....most of us take that to be a curse word but it too is an acronym that only means Fornication Under Consent of the King. Back in the medieval period of white peoples history it was against the law to have sex outside of marriage unless they received a written decree from the king authorizing them to do so. These are the traps we fall into trying to define our lives by white peoples standards without knowing the history.

Those of us who desire to know what the "B" word really means should research an excellent work entitled; The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by "Barbara G. Walker". Bro. Khalid Muhammad is a revolutionary first and not a historian or linguist, therefore you have to seek other sources such as the one I gave you. Enough on this...Peace Out !!

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