Using a deragatory word such as n*!#er or b#@!h is very offensive;however I think that the words become more offensive with a: the intent of its use and B: who is using the word. It is no secret that we as a people have been beaten down with words, and it took so much more than words to break us, but those words insured that we would remain in a state of brokeness. I think that when a person of one's same race uses one of those words it could never be taken in the same light as when someone from a different race uses it. It's almost like playing the dozens, or talking about your brother's momma, when yalll have the same mama. It's not taken seriously because it isn't serious.
It doesn't matter how much the wolves in the den play and fight, it becomes a differnt fight when the same words or actions used in play are used by someone else differently. When this happens the words take on a different meaning. No one should have the power to make someone else feel worthless;however let me call you a n#@*er and maybe a white supremcy call you one, and let's see who you would be upset with and who would've hurt you. Sure you could call me ignorant, but him, you'd have to call him something else, because rascim hurts. When he says it you wil be forced to associate those words with the same feelings that our ancestors felt as they were being demeaned and dehumanized. We could say okay, lets us not say certain words and then maybe other people will stop saying them. Well I have a question, who did they hear call us that when they were transporting our bodies like cattle to the caribean and the states.
We can't teach them anything about prejudice or hatred. Allow people to say what they feel.
There are bigger fish to fry when it comes to the issue of respect and love. When this day is over and done, I'm sure I won't remember, the guy that called me a B@#ch or the ones that said" N@#*er what's up? Though I am sure that I will remember the two white boys that screamed that "N" word from their passing vehicle just because they felt intiled to hurt me. I will not allow my brother's and sister's to pay for the pain that they made me feel. They could never hurt me in that way.More importantly many of my brother's and sister's wouldn't want to hurt me in anyway. Let's ignore the ploys to keep us distracted and angry at one another. Imagine we have become a people that can embrace a white woman, and push away a black youth because he speaks innapropiately and dresses in a way that is not in line with anyone's expectations.
Question, when there's noone else to blame we will have to blame ourselves for what is to become of our future? If you change the way you look at things; the things you look at change.