For the skeptical mind serious psychic phenomenon will never be proven. But for those who are curious, interested and have experienced random psychic events- understand first that "psi abilities" are already well established. What we might see out in the public as "skeptical data" is actually misdirection.
The powers that we often speak of like shadow Governments, secret societies etc., don't have it all sewn up like we think they do. But everything they do is in effort to control the supreme consciousness and psi mutation.
Our Ancient Elders have always established the truth of reality stating that we are all one, from the same mind, connected to the same source. Like rays of the Sun. "Mind" is not a localized phenomenon. When a lady asked a Mentalist- "how did you know what I was thinking?" He jokingly said "I am supposed to know what I am thinking." "I am" as we know what "God" is called. "I am" is the source without boundaries.
The Mind is a public place.
Highly creative people usually have no trouble understanding this. Go to an art class of painters. A flower sits in front of them, or a nude figure- every painter will paint that object differently. This is also true for the Mind-brain relationship. We all get the same data, we look at the same reality- experience the same cosmos, but we interpret that data differently. Depending on our state of being. But sometimes in art, creative interpretation is more important than accuracy. Yet some people want a flower to be painted as a flower. Some people want a nude to be painted as a nude....even though that nude could also be mountains and valleys.
The brain is a transmitter and a translator- sending and receiving signals.
There are different types of psi abilities. One that was most common with our Ancient Africans is called Hiero, which is the painting and drawing version of automatic writing. Now- "Automatic Writing" is the art of writing through the subconscious mind without conscious thought, or through guided writing from the unknown.
Hint hint.
My personal belief as to why most of us have lost this psi abilities is because we don't spend enough time meditating in natural darkness and we are exposed to too much electrical current.
Everything in reality comes through the portals of art and science. Arts creates reality and science creates the methodology/ritual so that that reality can be reproduced. These two principles dance back and forth with one another infinitely. Therefore we can't begin to speak about Africa or the world Ancient or otherwise without the understanding how how art and science plays a major role in the construction of culture.
But if you caught NBC's Heros this season- you'll see just how much "those in the know" have already figured out about Human abilities, as well as the fact that the act of "hieroing" itself is the backdrop for the entire show. To make matters even more interesting this season a Brotha African Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine plays the role of a precog with the ability to paint the future.
Bro. Usutu and I look alike, and we use the same method- headphones. Again I say, the mind is a public place.
The Heroes is basically about psi abilities and how these abilities mutate in different people. Actually my favorite character on the show happens to be a White villain called "The Nightmare Man." I'd go into that one later.
The entire season so far can be see here:
Automatic writing and heiroing has been some of the most important psi abilities the world has know. Think about the fact that scriptures said to be "written by God" are actually automatically written by scribes who are trained on how to communicate with etheric forces. I would say automatic writing, channeling and automatic painting/drawing are actual the same. One goes into a lite trance state and records the messages they receive.
It would be fair to say that the Ancient priests of Africa were artists and scientists that learned and mastered the accuracy of these methods.
We as Africans in the world were originally polluted with psi methods of interacting with the spirit world, and using those methods to mutate ourselves. We learned how to summon etheric and astral bodies using what is called "Trans-Medium Channeling" what some might refer to as possession.
A trans medium is someone with a very sophisticated brain, a highly developed telepathic ability...comparing such a brain to a normal one would be like comparing basic cable to direct satellite access. Africans were initiated into these systems, when we speak about the keeping of certain blood lines what we must also understand is we are talking about keep certain genetic traits alive. The thing is, if we worked hard to develop our brain in a certain way, that genetic data can be passed down.
Such a medium can summon just about anything and anyone. They can make people see things that aren't really there etc. They can freeze people in their tracks with a simple thought that creates electronic pluses in the body. They can themselves possess people as well as cause people to become possessed.
There are perhaps millions of trans mediums walking around, unconscious about their abilities.