ZeroPoint wrote:
Hey...Meta you seem to continously refer to secret societies being protected by oracles and/or the spiritual exactly do you tap into/get in contact with this spiritual realm?....ive asked this before and received very valuable answers but im interested in everybodys opinion and i am seeking yours also.....what/who are these secret societies/mafia in contact with/what rituals do they do to do what they do??.....and is this the x factor that dr king ,malcolm x ,marcus garvey tupac, and marley etc were missing out on......if they were in contact with the spiritual side....would they have not only been 10x more powerful but also still alive????
True story. I knew a Brotha in New York who practiced a form of magic that he called said was taught to Japanese Samurai's. He was very deep into everything Japanese, he even kept a few swords on the wall. We met in one of my metaphysical classes. We'd sit around in a circle of people with long dreads, sandals, smelling like weed and incense talking about psychic powers and esoteric languages. But this Brotha was the most sinister of all of us. He told me things I dear not repeat here, but Bro. Darkside might chime in on this later on.
I remember this Brother telling me personally about some of the people he tried to kill spiritually. He told me even some people in Government there in New York. He was one of the first to tell me some if not all of these people are protected, and that in fact they couldn't hold a place in public office unless they were- because secretly- contrary to popular belief systems- the world is still dominated and controlled by magic.
He told me about a Man he tried to kill that had 12 rows of armed soldiers around him. He said that's the real reason for wars, that these soldiers spirits were tied into a contract spiritually to serve the American Government and that soldiers have to sign something to that affect when they enter into the Army or Military. I don't know how true that is. Now when I think back to that story, the movie "Lord of the Rings" comes to mind when the army of spirits had to come back out of the mountain to fight because they had made a contract with the King before he died.
I know for a fact we can tap into this type of spiritual protection just by asking. As far as Malcolm X, Tupac and others being about to live longer because of their ability to gain protection from the spiritual world- well, it all depends on where we "consciously" draw our spiritual power from. If you have a religion, and that religion is the source of your spiritual power- those who control your religion with real magic control you. There's no way around that one. Our great Teachers like Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and even Bob Marley had a sense of vision that allowed them to foresee certain events and surrender to them. What we can also question is perhaps we are all protected up until a certain point when our contract is up.
Secret societies keep certain rituals from the Ancients intact in order to transfer their power correctly from one generation to the other. All these rituals are African, but there is always a debate going about how complete they are. Yet obviously completely enough, at least until we gain the awareness to reactive the information our enemies do not have yet.
They know enough even from their own pagan customs that the spirit world runs everything. Every kindergarten magic student knows it. The invisible runs the visible. The unknown runs the known, the darkness projects the light. You know how many dark magicians have tried to take the president out by now?
So why does he lay in his bed sleeping comfortably while so many are here trying to use their spiritcraft against him? Yeah we might give him a cold or a black eye. But by the time we get to the 2nd layer of energy that protects some of these people we are burnt out. Maybe we are thinking about it the wrong way.
They aren't just protect by spirits, but by secrets as well. Secrets that we have yet to discover about ourselves.
Hey...Meta you seem to continously refer to secret societies being protected by oracles and/or the spiritual exactly do you tap into/get in contact with this spiritual realm?....ive asked this before and received very valuable answers but im interested in everybodys opinion and i am seeking yours also.....what/who are these secret societies/mafia in contact with/what rituals do they do to do what they do??.....and is this the x factor that dr king ,malcolm x ,marcus garvey tupac, and marley etc were missing out on......if they were in contact with the spiritual side....would they have not only been 10x more powerful but also still alive????
True story. I knew a Brotha in New York who practiced a form of magic that he called said was taught to Japanese Samurai's. He was very deep into everything Japanese, he even kept a few swords on the wall. We met in one of my metaphysical classes. We'd sit around in a circle of people with long dreads, sandals, smelling like weed and incense talking about psychic powers and esoteric languages. But this Brotha was the most sinister of all of us. He told me things I dear not repeat here, but Bro. Darkside might chime in on this later on.
I remember this Brother telling me personally about some of the people he tried to kill spiritually. He told me even some people in Government there in New York. He was one of the first to tell me some if not all of these people are protected, and that in fact they couldn't hold a place in public office unless they were- because secretly- contrary to popular belief systems- the world is still dominated and controlled by magic.
He told me about a Man he tried to kill that had 12 rows of armed soldiers around him. He said that's the real reason for wars, that these soldiers spirits were tied into a contract spiritually to serve the American Government and that soldiers have to sign something to that affect when they enter into the Army or Military. I don't know how true that is. Now when I think back to that story, the movie "Lord of the Rings" comes to mind when the army of spirits had to come back out of the mountain to fight because they had made a contract with the King before he died.
I know for a fact we can tap into this type of spiritual protection just by asking. As far as Malcolm X, Tupac and others being about to live longer because of their ability to gain protection from the spiritual world- well, it all depends on where we "consciously" draw our spiritual power from. If you have a religion, and that religion is the source of your spiritual power- those who control your religion with real magic control you. There's no way around that one. Our great Teachers like Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and even Bob Marley had a sense of vision that allowed them to foresee certain events and surrender to them. What we can also question is perhaps we are all protected up until a certain point when our contract is up.
Secret societies keep certain rituals from the Ancients intact in order to transfer their power correctly from one generation to the other. All these rituals are African, but there is always a debate going about how complete they are. Yet obviously completely enough, at least until we gain the awareness to reactive the information our enemies do not have yet.
They know enough even from their own pagan customs that the spirit world runs everything. Every kindergarten magic student knows it. The invisible runs the visible. The unknown runs the known, the darkness projects the light. You know how many dark magicians have tried to take the president out by now?
So why does he lay in his bed sleeping comfortably while so many are here trying to use their spiritcraft against him? Yeah we might give him a cold or a black eye. But by the time we get to the 2nd layer of energy that protects some of these people we are burnt out. Maybe we are thinking about it the wrong way.
They aren't just protect by spirits, but by secrets as well. Secrets that we have yet to discover about ourselves.