Black Hebrew Israelites : proofs against the black hebrew claim...

I also accept the Muslim hadith literature as a sound authority and that is why I believe Moses was brown and like you said (had thick hair). You accept modern geneticists as a sound authority which I don't.

Moses was NOT muslim and the hadith literature was written much later in time and completely conflicts with the earlier script of the Bible. The Bible is confirming from the beginning to the end. Let me explain, the Hebrew Israelites conflicted with Moses over his wife, Zipporah due to COLORISM and this is completely detailed. For this reason, right in the scriptures, the ritual of the red cow was instituted, to mark this conflict. Miriam was punished for this reason as well. It's not about accepting modern genetics, it is scientific fact.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MODERN GENETICS. Human beings have been reproducing for thousands of years and the results are the same! Nappy headed people have the same offspring that they have been having for thousands of years. If they reproduce with someone with straight hair, then the results will be obvious due to phenotype.
This false claim is clearly anti Biblical and anti historical.

Are you a black christian or a black fake hebrew like others in this forum? (rhetorical question). Most of the jews after being freed by Cyrus the Persian opted to stay in Babylon and only some of them went back to Palestine,

No now, I have been told many times by people from the Middle East that I and my husband and son look just like the Hebrew Israelites in the Middle East, So I am both a BLack Christian and a Hebrew Israelites of the Diaspora.

The date of Cyrus the Persian was about 500s BC, that is over a thousand years after the Hebrew culture formed in Africa! No matter where they've scattered, their ethnicity would be African based. smh.

Like Solomon, many of them intermixed with people that they were not supposed to.
Just as Moses wrote and later even Solomon wrote, Hebrews are suppose to have NAPPY HAIR prdominantly!!!
That is why after Solomon died, the house of David was divided, because Solomon married Ashteroth, the abomination of Zidon. Solomon lived during the 900s BC, some 400 years before Cyrus!

Just like us AFrican Americans whose ancestors came from AFrica, we are somewhat distinct from African people, however, we still share the same ethnic base!!!
You are reading into the text many things that aren't there as a supposed biologist whom I don't take as an authority either way. I'm a Biblical maximilast and do not believe a lot of modern science in many fields.

There is no such reality as MODERN SCIENCE! LOL!
African people look the same, ethnically, as they did thousands of years ago!
European people look the same, ethnically, as they did thousands of years ago!
Chinese people look the same, ethnically, as they did thousands of years ago!
People in India, regionally and ethnically, look the same as they did thousands of years ago!, etc.
Hebrew Israelite people look the same today as they did, ethnically, thousands of years ago!
They formed their culture in Africa! They are an African-typed people!
They range in many different skin colors, but they are ethnically an AFrican people.
You've posted a lot of gibberish here your reasons for believing that Moses was light complexioned and the aforementioned about Solomon's color and made it seem you were correcting me in things that I either never said and other things that we actually agree on but you posted them as if they were differences.

Well, if your hadith script excludes the prophecy of MOSES about the Hebrews going through the Slave Ship Era, and if your hadith script excludes the prophecy of Ezekiel of the Hebrews going through the Slave Ship Era, and if your hadith script excluses the prophecy of DANIEL about the Jews going through the Slave Ship Era, and if your Hadith script excludes the prophecy of ISAIAH of the Hebrews going through the Slave Ship Trade to be persecuted under the Gentiles for their disobedience and intermixing with people that they were not suppose to do, then I can understand why you think I speak gibberish! LOL!

ALL of the major prophets wrote about the Transatlantic Slave Ship Trade that marks the Second Roman Empire to form after the fall of the First Roman Empire, and this future Second Roman Empire is marked by the Hebrew Israelite victims that were forced onto slave ships after the Chaldeans and other African victims! Yes, oh yes, the Hebrew Israelites are a scattered people byway of the slave ship trade and that pretty much defines them as being the AFrican people that they are ethnically. So yes, I love to read about the Nubians, Kush, and etc. because the Hebrews are definitely intermixed with those Black AFricans. LOl. That is their maternal origins; Mother Africa!!!

I just don't understand why non-Black people are trying to re-write the Bible?
LOOK, you need to read DEUTERONOMY 28:68 and then all of the other references I just posted!!!
Moses prophesized that the Hebrews would go through this horror of which has already passed.
We have been scattered.
Just because scientists say something is a scientific fact doesn't mean it actually is. I'm don't believe in many of the ridiculous claims of modern scientist such as the earth being a globe and going around the sun, dinosaurs, that humans evolved from monkeys, the vast amount of almost endless space in the sky, atomism, cellular biology and many other falsehoods. Unless I can verify something myself from my own experience or I find something from ancient scientists, before the masons got to dominate academia and spread lies to the whole world.

Many people have the nerve to demonize revealed religions and inspired philosophies for blind faith like saying "God said" in the Bible or Quran but they will do the same thing saying "science has proven" or "this is a scientific fact" and many things modern scientists claim are contrary to sound intuition, intellect and experience. There are a lot of double standards involved.

Also, just because the Quran and Hadith were revealed after the Bible, doesn't mean they are wrong as both books were revealed by God and the Bible, like the Quran and Hadith, have narrations that are direct from God and the words of prophets.

If you approach them without preconceived notions you will find that the things they agree in are far greater than the things they differ in and in some cases they supplement each other or look at the same thing from a different angle.

I'm not with your genetics (sorry for using the word modern) as it is contrary to the Bible and sound sources from ancient historians and you have no proof to offer me except the claims of modern geneticists and other second hand info, so you cannot prove your case any better than I can prove mine. It's knowledge of the unseen since it was far in the past and the Bible mentions in Song Solomon that Solomon was white and ruddy and the verse in Revelations about Jesus mentions his complexion as bronze, not brown either way, and that's just two people many other Israelites might have looked differently than others.

The Bible really doesn't mention much about the race of the Israelites and it could also be argued that like many other visions of the prophets, the aforementioned verses were figurative descriptions.

And, I have lived in the middle east for an extended period of time and I did find variety of complexion there. None of them looked white and none of them looked black (first hand experience) but many shades in between between, some have darker and lighter skin than others, some of them had nappy hair, most of them didn't. None of their hair look entirely straight but wavy and curly and rarely nappy.

"That is why after Solomon died, the house of David was divided, because Solomon married Ashtaroth, the abomination of Zion. Solomon lived during the 900s BC, some 400 years before Cyrus!"

You need to reread the books of Kings and Chronicles where it is clearly narrated that the ten tribes left Rehoboam because they asked him to be more lenient with them than his father had been (forced labor to build the temple). Rehoboam sought the advice of the elders and they said he should concede that to them and then he sought advice from his young friends and they advised him to be strict with them and he said to them that if they thought his father was strict than he will be even stricter and if Solomon had they with the whip he would scold them with scorpions, thus the ten tribes left him and formed the Northern Kingdom with the tyrant idolater Jeroboam son of Nebat who is mentioned with nothing but the worst all throughout Kings and Chronicles.

You need to work on your Bible study.

I read the Bible well enough to know that there is no prophesy in it about the Trans Atlantic slave trade.

I also noticed how you went on a tirade when I mentioned the verses of King Solomon in Song of Solomon where he was called white and you went to total gibberish and insane lengths of out of context, diverting from the point to say it was talking about, of all the ridiculous things, a deer.

You explain things away whenever the texts don't suit your agenda but take them literally when it does. Also, your capitalizing letters in the middle of names is ridiculous as not only is it wrong but your doing it with an English translation not the original Hebrew. So your seeking to find the alleged etymology of Hebrew words with an English translation.

"African people look the same, ethnically, as they did thousands of years ago!
European people look the same, ethnically, as they did thousands of years ago!
Chinese people look the same, ethnically, as they did thousands of years ago!
People in India, regionally and ethnically, look the same as they did thousands of years ago!, etc."

Couldn't agree more.

Hebrew Israelite people look the same today as they did, ethnically, thousands of years ago! For the most part they do and that includes that they WEREN'T BLACK!!!

But no! All humans come from one MALE origin! So to base Japheth on a region would be completely wrong. To based Ham based on region and Berber people, etc., again would be completely wrong. And skin color is not primary at all because of the fact that skin color is 'a blending'; it's a secondary phenotype trait and not genotype based. No, I don't mean to 'put words in your mouth' but as you have just written above, in reference to skin color in that Berbers are 'NOT AS WHITE AS THE EUROPEANS...'; You are basing this on what? Depictions? The depictions you are referencing were made thousands of years after the date that Adam was created and thousands of years after many cultures had formed. THE BERBER PEOPLE were not scripted until much later in time after many earlier cultures had formed.
I'm basing it on the fact that I have known many Berber people in my life from Morocco and Algeria. The three sons of Ham people different parts of Africa and Canaan was not a child of Ham, as it says in the notes to the New American Bible (Catholic) that Canaan was only known as a sun of Ham because the Canaanites were under the control of the Mizraimites (Egypt, Kemet Copt) and thus they were falsely counted as Hamites, probably by some biased Jewish scribes who wanted to make Ham look bad.

LOL! I quoted scripture for the same book you referred to!
Yes, it does say that virgin of the very book Song of Solomon was Black as the tents of Kedar and as the curtains of Solomon. Again, the Chapter 5, reference to THE GREATEST BELOVED as being ruddy and white is the prophecy of the coming of Jesus. I said the same phrase is in the book of DANIEL and explained again, that 'white' means pure and is italicized. It does not mean skin color.
I have quite a number of Bibles and study Bibles and it is not italicized in any of them. It seems your, once again, reading into the text something that isn't there and even if it was it is only in the Bible you are referring to, not others which means it's no better than a personal opinion.

LOL! I quoted scripture for the same book you referred to!
Yes, it does say that virgin of the very book Song of Solomon was Black as the tents of Kedar and as the curtains of Solomon. Again, the Chapter 5, reference to THE GREATEST BELOVED as being ruddy and white is the prophecy of the coming of Jesus. I said the same phrase is in the book of DANIEL and explained again, that 'white' means pure and is italicized. It does not mean skin color.
That was the Queen of Sheba being quoted there, not Solomon and if you believe otherwise and read the verses directly preceding it it would mean that Solomon was gay, which I think we all know isn't true.

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