Oh well, I still didnt get the answer to my question just more ducking and dodging. Im sticking to my guns. Its ok for us to disagree. As I said in the chat I already know about all the theories of myths and lies pertaining to the major religions I dont necessarily have to agree with them all. I just want proof of what anyone is saying is fact. Sorry, I dont deal in Pseudo science or philosophy. This is my last entry for this thread, no hard feelings lets all agree to disagree. Its all in love lets move on. *Sulilei, I dont find using the term dude disrespectful and I really wasnt going in and out on purpose so please cool ur jets and try not to take things so personally.

Peace and love now lets kill this thread :)
Each1teach1 said:
*Sulilei, I dont find using the term dude disrespectful and I really wasnt going in and out on purpose so please cool ur jets and try not to take things so personally.

hmmm, wrong tree. I'm Zulile - my comment to you was made with no disrepectful intent and had nothing to do with your chosen terminology - and I certainly dont take this personally. It is kinda humourous actually, as you seem to have missed my point altogether, but again - no skin off my teeth.

I do believe you may gain a better response if you pose your question in the religious forums - I am aware the topic of heiroglyphics, the translations to current sacred texts etc has been discussed many times there. Check it out.

If you aim to discuss the credibility of Prof Williams - you'd get a more serious response if you had research of your own. That's all.

Each1teach1 said:
I was not trynna disrespect or knock you last night Keita. All I was doing was asking a question at which point you seemed to have gotten upset. The question was regarding the Walter Williams tape. He said that the heirogliphs have never been decoded. Well then if that is true how is it that you and others on this board claim to know so much about Heru, Ausar, Set ect?

Ok, normally I do not like to do this, particularly if it is really with someone who claims to be studying. First of all, if you were really studying history in a rounded fashion, you would know that the reason that people know of Ausar, Auset, Heru, Set, ect is because the story concerning them has been passed down for thousands of years. Even as late as the so called Christian era of 500 a.d a person was still called an Osiris when they died. Paris is named after Isis and had many shrines there devoted to her. But you would know this if you were studying.

Secondly, please bear in mind that all languages go through changes over time. Even this English you speak would not have been recognizable as English to you if you simply went back about 600 years. You of course would know it was English because even as the language changes the language would still contain certain recognizable words or sounds that you would know...likewise the same thing happened with the language of our ancestors. It still contained certain recognizable sounds, words or concepts that remained after it evolved from the medu neter. Kemetic language in terms of words and concepts actually went through 4 changes that I know of and can not speak of right now due to the length of that discussion.

How is it that people can go about knowing what MAAT is and so forth? Last time I checked there were no english words or alphabets the phonecians if im correct came long after the egyptians. So how is it that u can use the alphabet to speak or write a language which according to dude, has never been decoded? There are no english, french, arabic, swahili, fulani or anyother languages common today written at any of the temples in Karnack, Abydos, Memphis or anywhere else for that matter.

Again, you are in need of historical study. Let me inform you why. There are shrines in Nigeria that have the same writings on them as found in Kemet. Those who study the spiritual system of the Yoruba would know that the originator of that system admits that they came from Kemet. So is there any type of logic that might possibly tell you that there must be words and sounds in the Yoruba language group that came from Kemet with its founder? Now lets get to the Rosetta stone. Here we have this white guy Champollian the greater and his brother the lessor claiming to have found this stone. This is their claim. I do not know if their claim is true or not but lets stick with it for a minute.

They claim to have found it and to have studied it for 14 years before ever decoding the first word. Do you really think that I'm buying that sack of B.S.? They claim that the same message was written in three different languages, The medu neter, the demotic and the greek. Now had you stayed in class you would have found out that all three of those systems belonged to our ancestors The Rosetta was supposedly found in 1799 and please note that I said "SUPPOSEDLY". I said supposedly because once the whiteman created that printing press and began creating his own books and forgeries as it relates to our story and his-story, "everything they say or claim has to be investigated thoroughly". Now I have to ask you; "Did THEY REALLY FIND A ROSETTA STONE OR DID THEY CREATE ONE"???...oh by the way, there is no such thing as a Phonecian.

Im a rational and objective thinker its just the way I have been taught and i will not just except things that are handed to me at face value especially by someone whom I know nothing about and has no credentials to speak of, (Walter Williams) atleast not to my knowledge. Research is based on evidence and fact you have to have something to support ur claim otherwise its just that, a claim. Now I know that you all dont deal with the whites and their research and I can understand that. However there are plenty of black researchers and historians out there who have done the work and it stands up to scrutiny namely Cheik anta Diop, John Henrik Clark and Ivan Van Sertima just to name a few.

You quoted those scholars as if I know nothing of them. Shame on you! You made a mistake when you said that across the board statement "We Don't Deal With Whites and their research". So let me ask you a question. Have you studied the invasions of our civilizations? Do you know the names of the white people who went with the invading armies? Have you read any of their works? I ask this because not "All The White People" who were with the invading armies hid what they saw. Some were so dumbfounded and mystified by what they saw and realized that they told EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAW. These of course are the white people who upon doing so became shunned by their society. Many of their works were suppressed and some actually had to flee their land in order to write or tell what they saw. Tell me the names of these white people since you claim to be doing research and you are such an objective and rational thinker.

QUOTE]By the way I am not a defender of the bible or any other holy book I was simply there to ask questions as good devils advocate would, metaphorically speaking.

since you said you were metaphorically speaking, let me inform you that you are indeed a good devils advocate...cause that devil you're looking for is as close as your jugular vein....but that's another story. I almost forgot to ask you if you were really black? I had to ask because it's very rare for black people to use the word "DUDE" in their language unless they have been over-exposed to white people...just wanted to know.
I have to laugh at you now keita, Is that the best you can do? Is that the best answer you can come up with? I see that you have methods of e-intimidation. Well it doesnt work here. Is that how you get people to believe the crap that spews out of ur pc? For your information there is nothing that you have typed that I was not informed of. Im well aware that some parts of the language you mention have connects to west africa, as I speak Fulani and swahili. Your trying to belittle me but you only make yourself look bad with those cheap shot and insults. Lets be adults, why do u feel the need to hurl insults? Feeling a little insecure? Are you standing on shaky ground? You call your self a teacher but go straight on the defense when someone questions your methods or challenges your findings. Then you result to insulting peoples intelligence when you feel threatend, typical reactions of an insecure person. Then you have a nerve to have a god complex and for what? Listen bro let this thing go, if you really love your black sisters and brothers as you say you do you'd teach with humility and correct in love. Humble yourself you dont know everything and no one does so stop prentending.

peace and love, each1teach1

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