I was not trynna disrespect or knock you last night Keita. All I was doing was asking a question at which point you seemed to have gotten upset. The question was regarding the Walter Williams tape. He said that the heirogliphs have never been decoded. Well then if that is true how is it that you and others on this board claim to know so much about Heru, Ausar, Set ect? How is it that people can go about knowing what MAAT is and so forth? Last time I checked there were no english words or alphabets the phonecians if im correct came long after the egyptians. So how is it that u can use the alphabet to speak or write a language which according to dude, has never been decoded? There are no english, french, arabic, swahili, fulani or anyother languages common today written at any of the temples in Karnack, Abydos, Memphis or anywhere else for that matter.

Im a rational and objective thinker its just the way I have been taught and i will not just except things that are handed to me at face value especially by someone whom I know nothing about and has no credentials to speak of, (Walter Williams) atleast not to my knowledge. Research is based on evidence and fact you have to have something to support ur claim otherwise its just that, a claim. Now I know that you all dont deal with the whites and their research and I can understand that. However there are plenty of black researchers and historians out there who have done the work and it stands up to scrutiny namely Cheik anta Diop, John Henrik Clark and Ivan Van Sertima just to name a few.

By the way I am not a defender of the bible or any other holy book I was simply there to ask questions as good devils advocate would, metaphorically speaking.
Each1teach1 said:
I was not trynna disrespect or knock you last night Keita. All I was doing was asking a question at which point you seemed to have gotten upset. The question was regarding the Walter Williams tape. He said that the heirogliphs have never been decoded. Well then if that is true how is it that you and others on this board claim to know so much about Heru, Ausar, Set ect? How is it that people can go about knowing what MAAT is and so forth? Last time I checked there were no english words or alphabets the phonecians if im correct came long after the egyptians. So how is it that u can use the alphabet to speak or write a language which according to dude, has never been decoded? There are no english, french, arabic, swahili, fulani or anyother languages common today written at any of the temples in Karnack, Abydos, Memphis or anywhere else for that matter.

Im a rational and objective thinker its just the way I have been taught and i will not just except things that are handed to me at face value especially by someone whom I know nothing about and has no credentials to speak of, (Walter Williams) atleast not to my knowledge. Research is based on evidence and fact you have to have something to support ur claim otherwise its just that, a claim. Now I know that you all dont deal with the whites and their research and I can understand that. However there are plenty of black researchers and historians out there who have done the work and it stands up to scrutiny namely Cheik anta Diop, John Henrik Clark and Ivan Van Sertima just to name a few.

By the way I am not a defender of the bible or any other holy book I was simply there to ask questions as good devils advocate would, metaphorically speaking.

MAAT .... symbolizes truth....

language forms of communication.....

no more .. no less...

not all is meant to be decoded and can not...... our language is ours and always will be that.....

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