Black People : President Macron of France Accused of OPENING THE EYES OF AFRICA

Chevron Dove, African PEOPLE, Would any of you concede that WE people of African ethnicity are being profoundly naive expecting the descendants of the perpetrators of the so very diverse range of Human Rights violations, sadistically perverse brutality the British, French, Dutch, Belgian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and other allegedly CHRISTIAN European imperialists inflicted worldwide on non-whites generally; the African collective specifically [without apology or reparation or even a genuine cessation of hostilities to date] to EVER openly acknowledge their ongoing consistently malevolent onslaught/WAR of over 2000 years duration on the rest of the human family, that has made Europe's inhabitants [of the FAKE continent/Western sector of the Eurasian landmass with the least natural resources] the ruling elite/richest people on this planet in the 21st century?

In fact, isn't this NEVER ever openly declared as opposed to constantly waged in every area of human activity WAR is not only ongoing but being ratcheted up in the 21st century, as highlighted by their so consistent malevolence to the Windrush generation who were deported from the UK, and the manner in which the survivors are still struggling for ANY compensation TODAY?

Additionally, this so all pervasive GRIEF is brought into sharper focus internationally is it not, by the so systematic looting of the Congo which despite being the country with the largest deposits of cobalt and other strategically vital natural resources, currently has the most impoverished population on this planet TODAY?

As opposed to just bad luck aren’t we witnessing the status quo’s CHAOS MACHINE in action like the public execution, murder of Jovenal Moise in Haiti, the elimination of John Magafuli and his posse in Tanzania and in 2022 Shinzo Abe [former Japanese Prime Minister] who also refused to allow Japanese people to be given the hypodermic injection of mRNA laden bio-warfare agents aspiring to transform humanity into GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS, still mislabelled by the WICKED as Corona virus Covid 19 vaccines?

The French very treacherously captured and imprisoned for life Toussaint L’overture for so brilliantly defeating Napoleon in freeing Haiti from chattel Slavery [subsequently bankrupted Haiti by insisting on being paid the equivalent of millions of dollars to not renew their military onslaught {equivalent to billions of dollars today} right up to 1946], and what about the very disgraceful manner in which virtually none of the $US 1 billion donated for the so very disastrous earthquake that devastated Haiti on 12th January 2010 still not being spent by the NGO’s on rebuilding [just 50 of] the 200000 properties destroyed in this still so extremely ravaged country?

Even the fact that Haiti is blessed with Iridium which is currently 2.75 times more expensive by weight than gold, which is being covertly mined by the UN/NGO operatives and transported out of Haiti as another example of the UN/WHO/ USA’s overt WAR on Haitian people. Haiti would be a wealthy country due to the Iridium reserves alone but for the USA, France, UK, and the rest of the WICKED’s conscious focus on making absolutely sure that the country remains impoverished, totally dependent on foreign aid for food as opposed to the total food self-sufficiency that was the norm even under Papa Doc Duvalier's dictatorial regime.

Despite White Supremacy's all pervasively debilitating impact on this planet, as opposed to fixing up, consciously doing better aren't the current status quo still doing their best to make sure that this so malevolent onslaught on the rest of the human family generally, people of African ethnicity specifically in the western Diaspora continues to be WHAT IS, in the 21st century regardless of how much it has cost [like Citigroup’s US $16 trillion estimate of the loss to the USA’s balance sheet of the ongoing systemic RACIST MADNESS within the USA]?

However, is it not obvious that the current POWER ELITE/LUCIFERIAN LUNATICS Inc’s Zionist Jews, Rothschild BANKSTERS coalition with Europe’s still in-charge Feudal nobility truly do not know or care that their decision to so publicly highlight how irrelevant non-whites generally; specifically people of African ethnicity’s LIVES are via the somersaults being performed TODAY for Ukrainian white refugees, in stark contrast to the GRIEF non-whites and Black refugees experience entering the UK, Western countries as standard [drowning by the thousand in the Mediterranean and English Channel], has exposed just how profoundly RACIST they STILL are consistently, to the whole world?

Far more disappointing is the treacherous inanity of the manner in which as opposed to publicly lacerating this so profoundly RACIST initiative aren’t the consistently clueless or treacherous Black NEGROBOT misrulers of our communities and countries in the African Diaspora and Africa [apart from the South African Government] enthusiastically colluding with this so very desperate attempt by NATO to utilize the Russians attempt to purge, cut the head off of Khazarian serpent, George Soros/Western-backed NAZIS from continuing to misrule their Ukrainian siblings, neighbours; to economically, totally dismantle Vladimir Putin’s Russian government’s ongoing public opposition to their Globalist one World Government, police, religion, and currency enslave ALL of humanity this time, agenda?

Additionally isn’t it obvious that the ongoing total destabilization of Haiti is in fact a template for the UN/WHO one world government takeover of the African Diaspora, Africa, and the rest of the world which is why all the Caricom nations need to act; coordinate their resistance to the systematic CHAOS MACHINE template currently deployed in Haiti that is key to facilitating the imminent 21st-century manifestation of this dystopian enslave all of humanity this time, WHO/UN initiative manifesting worldwide in the 2020s, being REALITY for all human beings worldwide, by 2030.

Yours Sincerely

The Coalition to Protect ALL of Humanity!

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?


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