Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2001
By Andre Austin

How do you get that power, at last, Forever? For me it was listening to the tapes and writings of Malcolm X. Before my revelation to him my light bulb switch wasn’t on on, it wasn’t even plug in the **** socket. I was fascinated at his manhood and how he woke me up from mental darkness. Now my antennas was up to Mr. X who advised us to seek out knowledge and not be afraid to die. So I read everything and bumbled into some super heavy stuff on history, religion, politics, law and other matters.

Learning how Plato stole from Egypt and how Moses was taught how to read, write and think from Egyptian priests I was forever hit with the electric shock of that power, at last, forever. The Bible was the most influential book in the world and black hands had it influence in the shaping of how the Hebrews thought the world was created. Moses was influenced by Akhaton who preferred monotheism over Amen and Osiris. Then I learned Jesus learned at an Egyptian lodge at Mt. Carmel. I felt like being hit like the planet Venus orbiting the opposite direction of the sun after being hit with an awesome power. This power will last another 4 billion years. Now that’s some Power, at last, forever type of impact. Knowledge of self gave me the power to move forward in the right direction while others move in the wrong one.

How did black people loose their power? Slavery and self-defeating thinking. How did black kids ever come to the conclusion that excelling in school was “Acting White”? The foundation of education is reading, writing and math. The Egyptians beat Mesopotamia in writing by 300 years with the invention of writing to help with the organization of administrative duties of their government. Plus the Egyptians invented Geometry taught Pythagoras the formula of pi and so on. Therefore being great in school isn’t acting white its just being yourself. It was illegal to teach slaves to read because it would make them dissatisfied and escape risks. The public schools are failing our kids because they train them like Seals bouncing balls on their noses. Its training for someone else’s benefit but can’t make it in their natural habitat because they robed them of the knowledge of self. Public schools aren’t there to teach your kids to be proud to be black and this is a fundamental problem if your not getting it at home.

President Barack Obama brings pride and joy in the first proved bi-racial man in the White House. He said this pride lasted one day for him then he was moving on about the business of government. Well that’s not the type of Power, at last, forever I’m talking about. Power moves by trading, buying and selling which we are not on our A-Game about. Politicians are prostitutes of big money. Obama evaded this with $100 donations from the common folk, grass roots peoples. The Talented 20% of our upper classmen must invest to employ the remaining blacks who are unemployed along with some whites to seek jobs. Black millionaires have to first set out as philanthropist then seek out the profit of capitalism to bring the black mass out of poverty and ignorance. They must help break up some of these white crime families who freeze out blacks from the economic sweet potatoe pie. We want a piece of the action. Look at California where the Mexicans dominate all aspects of housing. From plumbing, electrical, dry wall, roofing and on and on. We need rich talented blacks to help bust up the freezing out of blacks by starting your own and competing in the free market.

Economic power dictates political power. 4 years from now black unemployment will be virtually the same as it is now. Politicians works for rich corporations. They enacted laws to make hospital bills exempt from bankruptcy. They even let insurance companies cancel you out if you didn’t tell them you had a past yeast infection. They have laws against it but political prostitutes don’t enforce the law.

Politicians like Ronald Reagan worship at his cemetery because he made it popular to give tax breaks for the rich. Jesus would spin in his grave at the manner of this man because Jesus came for the poor. As a matter of fact the original name of Christians is Ebonites=poor ones. Reagan didn’t do anything great in office. He just brought good news to the rich and misery for the poor. Reagan made it popular to think of blacks as welfare queens. There was a study done in Macomb County Michigan where Reagan won. And the whites there said they voted for Reagan because they felt the Democratic party was for blacks, blacks were lazy and wanted Affirmative Action. Bill Clinton saw this study and came up with the plan on tough on crime, Welfare reform, and mend it don’t end it on Affirmative-Action (AA). Jesse Jackson was a hero because he threaten to run against Bill Clinton if he changed AA from a race to class program. Macomb County and Reagan advocated that racism wasn’t holding blacks down but their own self-defeating behaviors. Gill Scott Heron wrote a song called We almost Lost Detroit. The song was based on the 1967 riot in Detroit the worst race riot of its kind. Heron said we almost lost Detroit because they were going to allow the Macomb County Sheriff run wild to end the rioting and looting. In November of 2008 Obama won 55% of the vote in Macomb County. Things are changing. They went from slobbering with racism to embracing the Man of hope and change.

Power, at last, forever is on its way when we learn to start out community minded first then individual. When whites came to America they were communal in their mustering a militia to crush the red man of his land and economic freedom. Then after they got the power and control that lasted forever they went into their individual markets of buying and selling. We don’t have to do any violence we just have to look out for each other as a team and hire whites too. We can’t put the whole burden on the government we must help the government. We can’t be inhumane like they were and exclude us from economic freedom. Your not free in America unless you got money. We can’t blame the media either. Television has many positive programming images of Black people. We aren’t barred from going to the library and reading books either. But we are playing too many games with ourselves. You can’t get power playing kids games on the computer while you should be doing research.

Everyone must find their own spark to must themselves on a road to power, at last forever. Everyone’s path will be different but come up with a common goal for economic freedom.

Your not free in America unless you got money.


that's the lie that's expressed that you can't be "free" without money

and that's what holds us back

point being if we feel we can NEVER be "free" without money

then how can we ever be free?

money is not based on freedom it's actuality based on control

but few see that
Money is nuetral its how you use it for good or evil.

Money is freedom. It will dictate where you can live, eat, what school you go to.

Politicans dont invite poor people to their office, unless they are using them, they invite donors, corporations and celebrities.

jesse Jackson even wrote a book calling the next civil rights area of green money, investing.

Lack of money limits many options.

Quality Education=funding=money

Jesus followers used money in a common Community fund. In these times we would call Communism.

Money is nuetral its how you use it for good or evil.

Money is freedom. It will dictate where you can live, eat, what school you go to.

Politicans dont invite poor people to their office, unless they are using them, they invite donors, corporations and celebrities.

jesse Jackson even wrote a book calling the next civil rights area of green money, investing.

Lack of money limits many options.

Quality Education=funding=money

Jesus followers used money in a common Community fund. In these times we would call Communism.

your statement was

Originally Posted by AACOOLDRE
Your not free in America unless you got money.

Money is freedom. It will dictate where you can live, eat, what school you go to.

Lack of money limits many options.

my point was although money may limit options you can still have a sense

of freedom

then you say money is neutral

but money is freedom

and according to you can't be free without it

so how is it neutral?


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