Black People : Positive Energy Vs. Negative Energy

Full Speed

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2009
I've noticed that positive threads don't generate much response or positive feedback.
It seems we would rather talk about things that divide us rather than uniting around efforts to develop and implement solutions. It seems we would rather talk about how bad White people are rather than how good we are. It seems we would rather talk about what they tore down in the past rather than what we can build in the present and the future. It seems we would rather focus on how bad the criminals among us fair rather than on our productive & positive young people who avoid the criminal justice trap altogether by avoiding crime. If given a choice between a conversation on developing more Black business leaders and CEO's or justifying or defending drug dealers we expend more energy justifying the drug dealer. Building strong and sustaining relationships of our own or criticising the relationships of those who's choice we do not elect for ourselves, we expend the energy on criticising rather than building. We would rather debate religion and dictate to others what is RIGHT for them as opposed to directing our energy towards the spiritual path that's right for us.

We consume so much of our energy on controversy rather than unity, tearing down rather than building, justifying negative as opposed to developing positive, defending wrong rather than encouraging right. If we want things to change, we have to change.

In the battle of Positive Energy Vs. Negative Energy, we only have so much energy available to us, we get to decide how to focus the energy available to us.

Controversal threads go on for pages upon pages where as positive threads typically peter out within a page or two. Do we really expect to generate positive results while focusing on negative conditions.

I am not suggesting that we turn a blind eye to hurdles and opposition, but that we simply put the lions share of our energy, time, effort, discussion on building, developing, growing, improving and reaching our potential
I couldn't agree more , once again this why i express how magnetic we are .
We draw to this negative side like a force field moreso then to the positive side,
I often wonder why !

But i agree if only we could use our energy in a positive way that will move us into
a direction of goodness and helpful things.
@Full Speed
I think this is the case in all sorts of aspects of life...
You turn on the news and almost everything is negative - you might just, if you're lucky, get the odd bit of good news...
In your personal life a guy say's you have a nice smile - it makes you happy - for maybe a few hours. Someone says you're too snappy - you worry about it for the next few days.
Its almost like we're programmed to always focus on the worst rather than the best.
No idea how most people are going to get out of that habit.
The dynamic of positive vs. negative is one of diametrically opposed, yet complementary opposites. It is of extreme importance to remember the complementary nature of any set of polarities, black v. white, good v. bad, positive v. negative, up v. down, north v. south, night v. day, etc.

When looking at this dynamic, remember that negative emotions such as anger, sadness, etc., serve a purpose in this interaction - they are there for a reason, are mandatory, and it's not so much their qualities of being negative one should focus on, but instead, their relation and exchange with the complementary opposite to which they belong.

A negative emotion, event, or aspect can SLINGSHOT a person into positive manifestation. The crux of this is HOW will you REACT to the negative event, emotion, etc. Sometimes the correct reaction will slingshot you into the place, feeling, scenario in which you desire to be. I say this because it's important to transcend the idea that negativity is something we can all do without. You could no more do without it than you could do without positivity, it's a closed system.

Likewise, there are reactions to positive events, aspects, and emotions in which we can be literally, slung into negative events, thoughts, scenarios etc. This is a dynamic in which the interrelational aspect between these two modalities is more important than the modalities themselves.

Anger can be productive - can slingshot you into the positive like nothing else can. Destruction can be a good thing because some things simply need to be destroyed. To overcome this dynamic, one must not see negative v. positive as a hill one must climb, with negative at the bottom and positive at the top - that is an incorrect depiction of the structure of this dynamic. Instead, one must imagine it like a spiral, with two strands in double-helixical fashion (similar to DNA) in which one can spiral up or down in centripetal or centrifugal manner, slinging yourself into upward spin or downward spin.
The positive and negative are the two spiral strands, there is nothing inherently "negative" or "bad" except where the two (as an interface) are taking you (up or down the spiral), there are only COMPLEMENTARY opposities.

And in terms of the spiral, you're going either UP or DOWN. Up means an accelerated vibratory frequency energy, faster energy, no form only energy and potential. If you go DOWN you're headed into slower vibratory rate, going from energy (more possibilities, nothing set in stone) to FORM (structure, limited ability, matter moving at slower, denser state).

This is the science of creation and destruction. It is buried in native american, African and some ancient herbrew cosmologies, and it is what the elites already know, albeit, a very, very few of them. This is why they wish to wipe out those people from the earth.

Now I know that sounds like some wacky stuff. But if you read the Metu Neter, it can be better understood.

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