Lo ! I will speak to you on pleasures .
2 . Know ye that in The Holy Tablets chapter ten tablet twelve verse 147 it states ; The Less Pleasure You Have , The Less Your Burden Of Liberation Will Be .
3 . Worldly pleasures intensify the desire for greater enjoyment .
4 . The mind can never be satisfied no matter how much of man's pleasures are fed .
5 . Emotions become dangerous when they become motion .
6 . It is these emotions that make you fight ; which lead to wars .
7 . Emotions that lead to greed . cause you overeat , and leads to diseases ;
8 . Or to eat yourself to obesity , or death .
9 . Emotions lead to your need , and what you want ; and sex leads to lust and luster .
10 . You are exceptionally apt to get AIDS , or one of many other Diseases today . If you let your emotions be controlled by Lust , or the Luster of it makes you go out and buy a sexual instrument to give you pleasure . You desire to feel good . Then you become a pleasure animal , a sex addict .
11 . Then you will be an AIDS victim .
12 . Because of the fact that you need stimulants to make you feel good shows you have a lack of self-control .
13 . And if the opportunity arise for you to have sex you'll take chances ,
14 . Not caring what the Consequences might be , even possible death .
15 . When you're emotional and calm you're okay .
16 . I'm not saying don't have feeling ,
17 . Do not cry or let your anger get you into Trouble because you can't control your Mouth .
18 . When you are over Emotionaly , Sexually out of Control you take Chances you normally Wouldn't , And regret it once you have AIDS .
19 . When you're over Emotional you can get into a Fight and have regrets ,
20 . Or a person who is Obese now has regrets that they're Fat and say .
21 . I Wish I Could Lost Weight ,
22 . Like getting Fat wasn't their problem from the beginning .
23 . This Is Your Own Trinity ; 1 . Me , 2 , Myself , & 3 . I .
24 . These emotions lead to other emotions like fear and regret ;
25 . A person with AIDS now realizes '' I'm Going To Die ''
26 . The person who is Obese , And has all this Fat around their Heart realizes with their added worry , aggravtion , Which increases the chances of dying , say ;
27 . I'm Going To Die '' Emotions link into Motion .
28 . When you give into your Emotion , You give up a part of your Divinity .
29 . That means when you're Up-Set by something ,
30 . You are no longer in control of Your-Self ,
31 . And therefore you're Under the Rule of another . Remember . Emotions ; Gluttony - one can eat themself into sickness and even death . Anger - wars , taking things , This is mine , That is mine , I want this , I want that . Lust - pleasures , comfort conscious , desires .
32 . You can say out of your mouth , I control my life '' .
33 . However , you can be under control and lose your own divinity ,
34 . And Surrender your divinity to another who is in authority .
35 . The saying is ; believe in yourself , Then they say believe in God .
36 . They told you who and what you are ( Genesis 1 ; 17 ) , in the scriptures of our apostle St. John the Divine called in tones Yowkhanan and in rhythm Yuhanna , the 10th chapter , the 34th verse where it states in John 10 ; 34 , Jesus Answer Them Saying , Is It Not Written In You Law , I Said You Are Gods ? ... And again in the scriptures , which was received by our King David called in tones Dawiyd , And in rhythm Dawud , The Book of Psalms the 82nd degree , the 6th verse where it states Psalms 82 ; 6 , I Said You Are Gods And All Of You Are Children Of The Most High .
37 . For instance when you Humble yourself to Some-One you are Surrendering your divinity to Them , But can Regain it Back .
38 . It is not like once you lose your divinity that you can't regain it again . You lose it of your free will . So you can earn it back when you will . Don't mix Humbleness up with Submission
. They are not the same . No man knowns less than the one who knows it all .
Mind your mind for the jewels of your soul
The Mind Scroll By
The Grand Al Mufti '' Divan ''
Novle ; Rev . Dr . Malachi Zodok York -El 33/ 720
2 . Know ye that in The Holy Tablets chapter ten tablet twelve verse 147 it states ; The Less Pleasure You Have , The Less Your Burden Of Liberation Will Be .
3 . Worldly pleasures intensify the desire for greater enjoyment .
4 . The mind can never be satisfied no matter how much of man's pleasures are fed .
5 . Emotions become dangerous when they become motion .
6 . It is these emotions that make you fight ; which lead to wars .
7 . Emotions that lead to greed . cause you overeat , and leads to diseases ;
8 . Or to eat yourself to obesity , or death .
9 . Emotions lead to your need , and what you want ; and sex leads to lust and luster .
10 . You are exceptionally apt to get AIDS , or one of many other Diseases today . If you let your emotions be controlled by Lust , or the Luster of it makes you go out and buy a sexual instrument to give you pleasure . You desire to feel good . Then you become a pleasure animal , a sex addict .
11 . Then you will be an AIDS victim .
12 . Because of the fact that you need stimulants to make you feel good shows you have a lack of self-control .
13 . And if the opportunity arise for you to have sex you'll take chances ,
14 . Not caring what the Consequences might be , even possible death .
15 . When you're emotional and calm you're okay .
16 . I'm not saying don't have feeling ,
17 . Do not cry or let your anger get you into Trouble because you can't control your Mouth .
18 . When you are over Emotionaly , Sexually out of Control you take Chances you normally Wouldn't , And regret it once you have AIDS .
19 . When you're over Emotional you can get into a Fight and have regrets ,
20 . Or a person who is Obese now has regrets that they're Fat and say .
21 . I Wish I Could Lost Weight ,
22 . Like getting Fat wasn't their problem from the beginning .
23 . This Is Your Own Trinity ; 1 . Me , 2 , Myself , & 3 . I .
24 . These emotions lead to other emotions like fear and regret ;
25 . A person with AIDS now realizes '' I'm Going To Die ''
26 . The person who is Obese , And has all this Fat around their Heart realizes with their added worry , aggravtion , Which increases the chances of dying , say ;
27 . I'm Going To Die '' Emotions link into Motion .
28 . When you give into your Emotion , You give up a part of your Divinity .
29 . That means when you're Up-Set by something ,
30 . You are no longer in control of Your-Self ,
31 . And therefore you're Under the Rule of another . Remember . Emotions ; Gluttony - one can eat themself into sickness and even death . Anger - wars , taking things , This is mine , That is mine , I want this , I want that . Lust - pleasures , comfort conscious , desires .
32 . You can say out of your mouth , I control my life '' .
33 . However , you can be under control and lose your own divinity ,
34 . And Surrender your divinity to another who is in authority .
35 . The saying is ; believe in yourself , Then they say believe in God .
36 . They told you who and what you are ( Genesis 1 ; 17 ) , in the scriptures of our apostle St. John the Divine called in tones Yowkhanan and in rhythm Yuhanna , the 10th chapter , the 34th verse where it states in John 10 ; 34 , Jesus Answer Them Saying , Is It Not Written In You Law , I Said You Are Gods ? ... And again in the scriptures , which was received by our King David called in tones Dawiyd , And in rhythm Dawud , The Book of Psalms the 82nd degree , the 6th verse where it states Psalms 82 ; 6 , I Said You Are Gods And All Of You Are Children Of The Most High .
37 . For instance when you Humble yourself to Some-One you are Surrendering your divinity to Them , But can Regain it Back .
38 . It is not like once you lose your divinity that you can't regain it again . You lose it of your free will . So you can earn it back when you will . Don't mix Humbleness up with Submission
. They are not the same . No man knowns less than the one who knows it all .
Mind your mind for the jewels of your soul
The Mind Scroll By
The Grand Al Mufti '' Divan ''
Novle ; Rev . Dr . Malachi Zodok York -El 33/ 720