I read what was said about Pisces and Aquarius, and I have to strongly disagree. I read what I have found to be true a while ago, and that is that........ Aquarius and Pisces= Magic, this couple is considered the dazszlers and that is what I have found to be very true. I am Madly in love with my Aquarius man. I did find that for along time all I dated was taurus and that was good, but what I have found in this man is great. It was hard to get him to open up, but this is the first time I have ever felt loved EVENLY. And what was said about the sex drive of a Aquarius.....SORRY that was waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off. I know that My drive is high, but he can hang, hell sometimes I can't hang. I know (TMI) .
He was Born Jan 24, I was Feb 23 and this is the best Love I have ever Had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was Born Jan 24, I was Feb 23 and this is the best Love I have ever Had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!