Black Spirituality Religion : Physcial reality the greatest gift

emanuel goodman

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2006
social worker
Physcial existence it the highest level of consciousness. We as physical beings have the ability to receive and trasmit energy. We must realize that the gift of life and experience and perception is the gift. The programming by most schools of thought teach us to allways search for higher levels of consciousness and disregard the physcial and so on. However i do not think that the hidden intelligence would spend so much energy changing itself inorder to perceive it self for it to be all in vain. We must wake up and overstand that we are now experiencing the gift. We are walking talking thinking processing portions of the creator. We are a peice of the sum. Notoutside of the sum but a portion of it. This entitles us to be able to function as the sum(creator). A child cannot worship it's parents. Thus we cannot worship the source or any "higher levels" of consciouness. WE are a duplication of our solar system. We use the same energy in motion (electro magnetic) that moves the electrons(planets) around our divine proton(sun). Since we can perceive these family members we are capable of utilizing thier energy as well. We must begin to relearn the energetic process of energy con version from one electronic extreme to another until we get back to the true state of omnipotence from which all things hale. We can come together just like electrons to to form new sums just like the electrons that have come together in our bodies. WE has these physical beings have the hidden intelligence(amen) incased in hard matter( still energy) in order to navigate. Energy within energy is what we are. We have the ability to be ominpotent as well. Hotep
Good post

Physcial existence it the highest level of consciousness. We as physical beings have the ability to receive and trasmit energy. We must realize that the gift of life and experience and perception is the gift. The programming by most schools of thought teach us to allways search for higher levels of consciousness and disregard the physcial and so on. However i do not think that the hidden intelligence would spend so much energy changing itself inorder to perceive it self for it to be all in vain. We must wake up and overstand that we are now experiencing the gift. We are walking talking thinking processing portions of the creator. We are a peice of the sum. Notoutside of the sum but a portion of it. This entitles us to be able to function as the sum(creator). A child cannot worship it's parents. Thus we cannot worship the source or any "higher levels" of consciouness. WE are a duplication of our solar system. We use the same energy in motion (electro magnetic) that moves the electrons(planets) around our divine proton(sun). Since we can perceive these family members we are capable of utilizing thier energy as well. We must begin to relearn the energetic process of energy con version from one electronic extreme to another until we get back to the true state of omnipotence from which all things hale. We can come together just like electrons to to form new sums just like the electrons that have come together in our bodies. WE has these physical beings have the hidden intelligence(amen) incased in hard matter( still energy) in order to navigate. Energy within energy is what we are. We have the ability to be ominpotent as well. Hotep

As all stars have a life cycle I feel Im losing some of my energy and radiance. Perhaps this is whats making it more difficult for me to navigate.


"We must begin to relearn the energetic process of energy conversion from one electronic extreme to another until we can get back to the true state of omnipotence from which all things hale."

Very deep and profound statement. My question brother emanuel, do you SEE that this process of 'relearning the energetic process' is something that can be done effectively in ONE lifetime?
de finite ly

As all stars have a life cycle I feel Im losing some of my energy and radiance. Perhaps this is whats making it more difficult for me to navigate.


"We must begin to relearn the energetic process of energy conversion from one electronic extreme to another until we can get back to the true state of omnipotence from which all things hale."

Very deep and profound statement. My question brother emanuel, do you SEE that this process of 'relearning the energetic process' is something that can be done effectively in ONE lifetime?

Yes dear omo i say this because it does not have to be learned just remembered. That is what i see coming to gather with this site and building with brothers as i travel throughtout the city and on this internet. We must come with our particular portion put them to gather and find the sum. We must continue to ask the right questions and thus we will get the right answers. The key is to think and mediate in what i call the day dream state. Day dreaming is what i have be caught doing alot lately. By my family and friends i often ask the questions while looking at the source without the interuption of electromagnetic enegy rising from my body and the planet and ask " what is the connection between u at i" and so fourth. Some times things get revealed to me and i post them. Some times i am not sure how to convey what was revealed to me so i just let it soak for a while if u will before i present it. The presence of the sum is allways there and has allways been there for us to observe or perceive as we wish. However we continue to be trapped into programmed trains of thought from the neteru on down in regards to the source. Every thing has a purpose of function and it is named some times in regards to its purpose or function. We must disregard the names of everything that has been taught to us and re name them. For example instead of tree how about" electromagnetic energy converter" That should be its name why because it converts electromagetic energy into perceive energy matter so it can run our solar converter in our body. Instead of oxygen lets rename it to perceivable electromagnetic energy. I could go on and on with these names dear brother . I am currently thinking about publishing a book called new names. It is designed for us to have a manaual to teach us how to harnest and utilize our energy.
Yes dear omo i say this because it does not have to be learned just remembered. That is what i see coming to gather with this site and building with brothers as i travel throughtout the city and on this internet. We must call come with our particular portion put them to gather and find the sum. We must continue to ask the right questions and thus we will get the right answers. The key is to think and mediate in what i call the day dream state. Day dreaming is what i have be caught doing alot lately. By my family and friends i often ask the questions while looking at the source without the interuption of electromagnetic enegy rising from my body and the planet and ask " what is the connection between u at i" and so fourth. Some times things get revealed to me and i post them. Some times i am not sure how to convey what was revealed to me so i just let it soak for a while if u will before i present it.

Thanks brother emanuel. I got it. As you say 'it does not have to be learned just remembered'. Thats why I started disposing of most of my books. Might not be the best idea but being strapped for cash and having a library collecting dust was serving no meaningful purpose. Oddly I still dont know what happened to my book on the Akan that just vanished but now I see why. The Ancestors just relayed to me that its now time to go off remembrance because when my calling comes I cant take the books with me but need that knowledge and wisdom in my memory banks. I also know what you mean as I often do keep things to myself instead of reveling what I really think at times because I am often misunderstood when I do. Still got alot right now that Im trying to let soak in which also means I need to get off this pc and get some RAdiant IN-ergy.

You made me laugh with that one. I remember reading about Al-Ghazali when I was a Muslim, and in the story Al-Ghazali was seeking after wisdom. He went out and got all these books and would read them. The next thing that happened was that he started taking them everywhere he went in case he needed them. One day a robber ran across him and asked him why he had all those books? He said; I am seeking after wisdom and it is in the books I carry with me. The robber said: is that so...give me those books or give me your life!

He had to give up the books. When he got back to his home all depressed he ran into a wise man and was asked; "what's wrong?" He said; "I was seeking after wisdom that was in the books I had and somebody robbed me of them". The wise man told him; Don't just read the book, become the book. After that Al-ghazali never carried another book for he was the book.

My library is extensive but I very rarely if ever use it, for I too have learned to become the book, and in becoming the book I find that I often excel the book in my re-delivery of the book. Great Post!!

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