Ask any "scientist" or "theologian" about "UFOs" or extra terrestrial, inter terrestrial, or inter dimensional beings that are in communication with other "Universes", both get choked up and have a hard time with this.
This is only because of the way science works, which is good. For example, you won't find a scientist that will refute the speed of light because it has been measured, and tested with repeatable outcomes. UFOs cannot, and does not stand up to that same scrutiny.
My question is how do "scientists" enjoy going into the idea of "parallel universes" and find it hard to accept a thought of "parallel universe beings"?
They enjoy it very much, and have for a long time. Read up on Einstein's fabric of time, yes, this notion goes back that far and beyond. This is nothing new.
But to give you some idea as to the number of scientist that believes in this, ask yourself how many physicists study string theory.
This is how science push itself to find truth, the church relies of a anachronistic book for it's truth without any proof. The bible said it is not proof.
Notice how he says that he would like to see an experiment of his theory so he would know that his life wasn't wasted. That is what separates science from religion.
Science does not require any religion, or theology to function. In fact, scientist like Newton had his faith take a back seat when it came to his discoveries. Also, science doesn't create stories, it leave that duty for the church and Theologians