Orisons said:Would you agree that our TRUE history is the ideal tool for dismantling the White Supremacist Racist hype that we Africans have always been LOSERS [BECAUSE like father like son is a very common human perspective]?
Why else do you think the status quo put so much effort into strategically hiding both our past and our ongoing but continually sidelined and ignored brilliance in every area of human activity?
These facts NEED to be projected and promoted more in our communities and countries [which is the biggest challenge of the 21st century]. We Africans (as opposed to the many lost baffled and confused Coloureds/Negroes/Blacks in the USA the rest of the Diaspora and even Africa) have the information from our own scholars as opposed to the White Supremacist Racist garbage our parents had to ingest.
Now we must take the responsibility for teaching the truth (of African contributions to Civilisation past and present) to our community, thus administering our own post-traumatic stress therapy to attack this self-hatred and all the other socio-economic dysfunction we suffer from at source.
In fact past mistakes are a useful guide as to what to avoid repeating in the future, but like father like son is a common human perspective thus we have a vested interest in focusing more on the ancestors brilliant civilisation building innovations and creativity over the last 5000; as opposed to our all pervasive catastrophic defeat over the last 500 years.
I like to remind people that nearly 20 years ago the White South African’s Apartheid regime sent their army into Angola to help Jonas Savimbi topple the MPLA. They ended up completely surrounded by the MPLA and the Cuban expeditionary Army.
Their defeat [did you KNOW about this?] was so complete that the Afrikaners [Nazis] governing South Africa had no option about freeing Namibia [which had been their protectorate] and dismantling Apartheid within South Africa [which is why the West will never forgive Castro] or have over 60% their army put to the sword.
These FACTS are never even admitted to or mentioned in the West [defeat saps morale and generates trauma] whereas we constantly review and highlight the African HOLOCAUST of the last 500 years because we seem to be cultivating our sado-masochistic tendencies. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Anyone who genuinely believes they are not programmed is
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE
[HASTY my alter ego]!
I remember clearly the Soviet Union also telling the ANC that it would no longer support their Armed Struggle against the Afrikaner regime and the ANC coordinated their armed struggle with the support of MPLA, Frelimo and SWAPO without the Soviet regime's support, which itself would soon begin to disintegrate from within.
The Chinese, which correctly supported Mugabe's ZANU switched support from the cia sponsored UNITA and this also hastened the doom of Savimbi, and also the counter-revolutionary FNLA.
Just goes to show that the us military can, and has been defeated by African armed resistance.