- Aug 10, 2013
- 1,303
- 111
Like I have been across the world seriously like too many times...and I recorded down alot of memories and can even go back like scene to scene from my own personal experiences of life back then to thus far right? I'm still getting over my understanding and this post just jump up at cause I wanted to see if there was a female out or supposedly one who kind of released her true feelings and stuff. Now I know the government, which is nothing but a body of people plus book of words does alot of things. People can get the internet answers but it is too deep seriously; been there in some spots and done that...it's all lies from government to government everywhere; it's more of a spiritual attack from the unseen and lower intelligent hue-man beings. Like in the South, it is some major deep brainwashing...i do surveys and blind experiments on my own and just record my voice quickly before the answers and thoughts are left. I also record the questions after answers are dealt. I've seen the collegiate institutions of some of the greatest booming today. I always knew there was hatred deeply seated since I was a kid interacting with others. Basically, I am still going through my hatred from all directions of life I have seen but now on a whole other level like seeing through the eyes of All--universal. My part I am playing on a minor scale is just roses. It heals me and the receiver even if I do not get one back or whatever, it does heal me to include writing words of great discernment and I guess love undefined? Love undefined? I don't like to use the word love until love is absolute within the community so it takes skill to heal one another and believe it or not...I do give out roses to Black Females of all ranges cause i do feel intuitively that something is deeply wrong besides reading Maya Angelou and just listening to Tupac Shakur all my life. Ummm problems occur that can truly offset progress but sometimes you learn to sacrifice and come at the problem another way which for me is the ultimate natural form of attack and that is perception. You got to not lie but come so real that all hearts are touched so you can get in finally to stand your ground and let the real truth be known cause it is too much hatred out here but even perception is deadly if the lower intelligence of a people is not a level ready to move towards "real freedom". I am still struggling day to day with hatred from my own family as genders knowing where it came from but some believe in you not until it is seen on tv or preached in a nearby temple. Sometimes i do not understand it and i choose to be alone cause i can't take no more spoon fed hatred not knowing what they do. Everybody has a form of release of healing called really "mastering mind" hint that in Gemini, which i understand and have understood but i can't talk to many people about it after knowing the vast knowledge and being experienced in situations I know many people cannot comprehend; that is wisdom the Aset part I am even handling myself still. From what the Sistahs from muthaland told me in person from many places to places, not saying your skin does not dictate that but it is the "culture" part it is missing so by correct effectiveness they had all the much to say and be right cause in our neighborhood it is missing no doubt. Culture has alot to do with why we are being so dumped on with ideals to fantasies and there is no one way of direct blockage but from everywhere 360. I can't say I love black females cause love for me is on a whole other level like "either you with me or not cause i'm with you regardless so let's climb up and make a difference like we suppose two" now that's love for me and not all that other stuff; SISTER BAYYINAH BELLO helped me to understand that while i was listening to her riding my bike to college one day on my phone and stuff. I got like lectures for months at a time darn near of just spiritually high and like-minded people 100percent black regardless of color skin and all that stuff. She got me on that other level for real like "raising the roof" off my home to really see what love is or how it can be and should be used as a skill in healing the current and ongoing situations from the trinity of birth which starts with Mother-Father-Child as all teachings and genes formulated starts with Mother Goose. So in theory, if there is no true love, regardless of oppression, instilled then distilled to it's highest pinnacle from birth, then no love continues on but stopping in some situations where love was there like "since we are grown now like releasing accountability to the world to handle and help raise your own children up just for them to end up shot out the skies" i'm just saying if you follow me, cause a motherhood suppose to nurture royal mindsets and yes it does not never stop at 18 or 21 or however even when they leave the home and as a matter fact a village starts when all is at home building it from home and then just buying land to increase territory but those thoughts are not taught or shun down upon (i'm talking about me now for like years) but they expect you to be the money bank when "they" run into problems though when your voice is heard everybody "acts" differently and you see the regress oppression from depression in those mothers to include fathers on orbit and you have tremendous respect for them but not fear then again will they ever listen? I can't save the world but i can change or help lead the next generation out of the line of fire...while the struggle continues regardless of numbers and percentage rates between black men and black women. This is not a thread starter of gender war, as you have to be totally mature or just higher intelligent enough to understand it is all about pieces of truth and relation plus solutions on a minor scale that can be helped or applied to help uplift humanity or at least the Black sector first. Helping yourself means eventually helping the next door neighbor which is the Sistah to the right and Brotha to the left. I give out roses to Black Females and poetry without personal means and for Black Males I give out true academic solutions and how metaphysics of their skills can turn into monetary value to include Black Females too. I am not a role model but a real road model and so even in my personal relationships i saw what was coming and how it was but still those failed and i gave up completely and forever now due to my own healing that will probably continue in the form of just giving out roses from my own land and writing poetry forever; I'm on that level where i need and not want my other half of true love and not all the other lower half stuff...i'm on a mission and she as the beginning and everlasting power should be definitely with me and on it; everybody knows that female regardless have tremendous and unlimited influential power so subtle that you can't see it and that is why she is called to "the ultimate feeling or emotion" cause emotion is not mental but helps forms a mental picture to manifest a physical projection. That is my truth. Also whatever book, cds and dvds I have that I have mastered I pass it along to a kinfolk rather blood or not spontaneously like pulling up at Churches and just dumping out gifts with a smile cause some of those Sistahs need to get up outta there quickly. Use the "job" system to create monetary rotation while constructing self business in the neighborhood and watch how "the real trap" begins to supply a steady constant flow of income back into the community. I'm a militant person but not roman bound. What is your thoughts on the Sistah in the thread above and what solutions do you provide as a key within the minor scale of healing within your community on ground and not the internet though it brings a network of loose folks worldwide together but yet and still if you have no physical body then the man-made internet does not exist, so what are your solutions? I am currently in the process of writing my autobiography which differs from "Diary of a Black Man".
(Opinions and Relations)
Like I have been across the world seriously like too many times...and I recorded down alot of memories and can even go back like scene to scene from my own personal experiences of life back then to thus far right? I'm still getting over my understanding and this post just jump up at cause I wanted to see if there was a female out or supposedly one who kind of released her true feelings and stuff. Now I know the government, which is nothing but a body of people plus book of words does alot of things. People can get the internet answers but it is too deep seriously; been there in some spots and done that...it's all lies from government to government everywhere; it's more of a spiritual attack from the unseen and lower intelligent hue-man beings. Like in the South, it is some major deep brainwashing...i do surveys and blind experiments on my own and just record my voice quickly before the answers and thoughts are left. I also record the questions after answers are dealt. I've seen the collegiate institutions of some of the greatest booming today. I always knew there was hatred deeply seated since I was a kid interacting with others. Basically, I am still going through my hatred from all directions of life I have seen but now on a whole other level like seeing through the eyes of All--universal. My part I am playing on a minor scale is just roses. It heals me and the receiver even if I do not get one back or whatever, it does heal me to include writing words of great discernment and I guess love undefined? Love undefined? I don't like to use the word love until love is absolute within the community so it takes skill to heal one another and believe it or not...I do give out roses to Black Females of all ranges cause i do feel intuitively that something is deeply wrong besides reading Maya Angelou and just listening to Tupac Shakur all my life. Ummm problems occur that can truly offset progress but sometimes you learn to sacrifice and come at the problem another way which for me is the ultimate natural form of attack and that is perception. You got to not lie but come so real that all hearts are touched so you can get in finally to stand your ground and let the real truth be known cause it is too much hatred out here but even perception is deadly if the lower intelligence of a people is not a level ready to move towards "real freedom". I am still struggling day to day with hatred from my own family as genders knowing where it came from but some believe in you not until it is seen on tv or preached in a nearby temple. Sometimes i do not understand it and i choose to be alone cause i can't take no more spoon fed hatred not knowing what they do. Everybody has a form of release of healing called really "mastering mind" hint that in Gemini, which i understand and have understood but i can't talk to many people about it after knowing the vast knowledge and being experienced in situations I know many people cannot comprehend; that is wisdom the Aset part I am even handling myself still. From what the Sistahs from muthaland told me in person from many places to places, not saying your skin does not dictate that but it is the "culture" part it is missing so by correct effectiveness they had all the much to say and be right cause in our neighborhood it is missing no doubt. Culture has alot to do with why we are being so dumped on with ideals to fantasies and there is no one way of direct blockage but from everywhere 360. I can't say I love black females cause love for me is on a whole other level like "either you with me or not cause i'm with you regardless so let's climb up and make a difference like we suppose two" now that's love for me and not all that other stuff; SISTER BAYYINAH BELLO helped me to understand that while i was listening to her riding my bike to college one day on my phone and stuff. I got like lectures for months at a time darn near of just spiritually high and like-minded people 100percent black regardless of color skin and all that stuff. She got me on that other level for real like "raising the roof" off my home to really see what love is or how it can be and should be used as a skill in healing the current and ongoing situations from the trinity of birth which starts with Mother-Father-Child as all teachings and genes formulated starts with Mother Goose. So in theory, if there is no true love, regardless of oppression, instilled then distilled to it's highest pinnacle from birth, then no love continues on but stopping in some situations where love was there like "since we are grown now like releasing accountability to the world to handle and help raise your own children up just for them to end up shot out the skies" i'm just saying if you follow me, cause a motherhood suppose to nurture royal mindsets and yes it does not never stop at 18 or 21 or however even when they leave the home and as a matter fact a village starts when all is at home building it from home and then just buying land to increase territory but those thoughts are not taught or shun down upon (i'm talking about me now for like years) but they expect you to be the money bank when "they" run into problems though when your voice is heard everybody "acts" differently and you see the regress oppression from depression in those mothers to include fathers on orbit and you have tremendous respect for them but not fear then again will they ever listen? I can't save the world but i can change or help lead the next generation out of the line of fire...while the struggle continues regardless of numbers and percentage rates between black men and black women. This is not a thread starter of gender war, as you have to be totally mature or just higher intelligent enough to understand it is all about pieces of truth and relation plus solutions on a minor scale that can be helped or applied to help uplift humanity or at least the Black sector first. Helping yourself means eventually helping the next door neighbor which is the Sistah to the right and Brotha to the left. I give out roses to Black Females and poetry without personal means and for Black Males I give out true academic solutions and how metaphysics of their skills can turn into monetary value to include Black Females too. I am not a role model but a real road model and so even in my personal relationships i saw what was coming and how it was but still those failed and i gave up completely and forever now due to my own healing that will probably continue in the form of just giving out roses from my own land and writing poetry forever; I'm on that level where i need and not want my other half of true love and not all the other lower half stuff...i'm on a mission and she as the beginning and everlasting power should be definitely with me and on it; everybody knows that female regardless have tremendous and unlimited influential power so subtle that you can't see it and that is why she is called to "the ultimate feeling or emotion" cause emotion is not mental but helps forms a mental picture to manifest a physical projection. That is my truth. Also whatever book, cds and dvds I have that I have mastered I pass it along to a kinfolk rather blood or not spontaneously like pulling up at Churches and just dumping out gifts with a smile cause some of those Sistahs need to get up outta there quickly. Use the "job" system to create monetary rotation while constructing self business in the neighborhood and watch how "the real trap" begins to supply a steady constant flow of income back into the community. I'm a militant person but not roman bound. What is your thoughts on the Sistah in the thread above and what solutions do you provide as a key within the minor scale of healing within your community on ground and not the internet though it brings a network of loose folks worldwide together but yet and still if you have no physical body then the man-made internet does not exist, so what are your solutions? I am currently in the process of writing my autobiography which differs from "Diary of a Black Man".
(Opinions and Relations)