Black Spirituality Religion : omg did minister Farrakhan sell his people out

Uh, Yeah! He is an agent --didn't you know?
I would like to see a comparison between Metu Neter and Scientology, juxtaposition them side by side and tell me which one is more profound? More profound in the sense of cultivating the best out of an individual, giving him or her the God conscious, where the person surrenders to the powers of his or her own inner god. Which one has the system of counting the thoughts and using the lowering of this count to ignite single minded focus-ness, which unleashes the other other 90% of brains untapped genius, improves the health, by controlling and improving the breath life force energy, which system does this? Only the Metu Neter does this, copied by the Indians with their Kundalini traditions, gave birth to the Sufis and their breathing exercises practiced while counting the 99 names of Allah, by the Babylonians with the breathing static posture exercises, The Buddhist traditions inspired by ancestors of the Purple Black Buddha and what of the Taoist who yellow stalk traditions were based upon only 64 of the 256 odu from which descended from Orunmilla Ifa?

African traditions in the West of Africa are the remains of the Kemetic empire, so are Congo, South Africa, Uganda, Ethiopian and Somalia traditions, we are the Black people in the current Egypt living out in rural villages. What does a Whiteman, an Asian and an Arab have in common? They all borrowed from Africa traditions, still borrow and consult, Queen Elizabeth visited the Ooni of Ife and paid respects to the world's oldest line of spiritual Monarchs going back before all monarchs, the Ooni is the Kings of many Kings and all the kings on earth. We were on this planet first and all science comes from us, we aren't here to learn from others, the being who teaches all truth and is all knowing abides in us and we are the original human beings Obatala created to rule the earth and establish His truth.
I believe in God but I also believe in action.. God ain't gonna put us back anywhere if we don't wake up and wise up to all the mess we are caught up in daily..

All the mess we're in is Slavery and Oppression so we must make Liberation apart of everything we do. Everything going wrong in our lives is the intended result ultimately of our imprisonment.
So are you saying we heard Malcolm but didn't listen, or we listened and lost what we built?

On Farrakhan, he was unable to show up at his 18th Anniversary of the Million March in Tuskegee Alabama yesterday, due to illness the night before. They said it was some kind of infection, but he should be out of the hospital by Monday or Tuesday.
I am saying that Louis sold out the Messenger!!!!

The Messenger spread Black Nationalism by example! All the things that Malcolm spoke about we saw with our own eyes as children in the 60s, until his "orthodox" son Wally-boy sold all of it to the White man!

So far Louis has created nothing from the 6 year so called farm program he had 15 years ago and collected all that money for from non NOI members!

The Messenger built those buisinesses not from beggin those outside the nation but pooling the resources of those inside the nation! And it porvided not just employment but gainfull emplyment! Today however 80% of NOI work outside of NOI businesses! Louis cant even employ the nation, let alone provide busineses and services to the Black community!

the Messenger was about spreading , by show and improve, the paradigm of Black Nationalism, and if he had lived longer or his progeny did not sell him out he had much focus towards true Pan Africanism, by sending accredited NOI engineers to the newly liberated Black nations to provide assistance! I recall reading about this as a child and seeing the illustrated cartoons about this as a small child in Muhammad Speaks newspaper in 63!

Louis ain't doing nothing but selling bean pies, newspapers, and Farakhan memorabelia; DVDs, posters, prints, books, CDs
But still despite Min. Louis Farrakhan is following his destiny as Aaron, the greatest orator of all time, he surely did keep the Messenger's teachings alive, he was the reason Jesse ran for president which proved a Blackman can gain national political support. Let's not forget Louis Farrakhan beat down Donahue on live television not once but twice providing the Nation's ministry program raised some powerful minds. Yet I have only one grip with Min. Farrakhan that is when is he going to realize he Louis Farrakhan holds the greatest potential to be a trumpet blower for the African Renaissance? So far he's encouraging investment in Detroit but if it was me I wouldn't drop a dime in Detroit over dropping that same dime in Africa where it would be an investment in endless resources. Without resources you can't control industry and if you're not in the control business that means you're in the being controlled side of the business. God doesn't want us on the bottom, He wants Africa at the top that is the meaning of the whole prophecy which N.O.I is supposed to be based, the Original man cream of the earth. But I wonder when the N.O.I say Asiatic Blackman is that the reason they don't support Africa? Hmm.....

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