Black People : Okay - now some real life black wo/man talking our issues!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
Okay - so this has got to be the best video that I've watched in a long time when it comes to how we relate to each other. An intelligent black woman vs. an intelligent black man.

They are addressing real issues that are stereo-typical, fundamental, and down right educational within our community. In the beginning of the video he was joking - but when the phone calls came in and the educated woman got on his helmet and now this is a discourse between a black woman and a black man (black man got a Russian woman) and they are going at it.

Now just so that you know it - I was ready to get on this brothas helmet - but then the open minded part of me had to listen in order to make an accurate assessment. This brotha was on point - he out-smarted this woman in the logical area and that's the area we need to improve on which is the male strong point. Men and women (black Men & Women) need to start using their logical brain or we will fall in this society. We are more Effeminate as male's in this society where we have not stood up and faced our women but more importantly faced our enemies. Europeans are trying to turn us against each other through media. There are 350 movies of white men saving black women being the hero's and thus black women don't have as much as a problem with white men and black women interracial relationships. There are 170 white women and black men movies that are interracial relationships such as 'O' black man evil toward white women. Superhero's where black men are inferior are to white stronger women. Videos of white men basically raping black women and becoming their hero's at the end (Crash).

Women get used to the logical brain because the effeminate is ruling in our culture as MEN (not downing women) within a patriarchal society. It will be backward when the Matriarchal rule and the logical is ruling in the background ... there must be a balance!!!

If this ain't some...

There are 350 movies of white men saving black women being the hero's and thus black women don't have as much as a problem with white men and black women interracial relationships.

Excuse? Based on what? It would seem that more black men don't have a problem with white women and saving them, seeing they date them far, far more, than black women don't have one with white men and any other men who aren't black.

No matter how many movies that have white men saving black women, black women aren't going for it. And no matter how much one might think black women have a problem with black men, they are the ones being waited on by the sistas

The title alone is divisive. Are black women the enemy? Excuse me, the BIGGEST enemy? Really? There's nothing intelligent to watch there.

Getting so tired of being told we're being turned on each other, only to have all problems dumped off on the black woman as for why and how.

But, at the very least, I have learned something about majority black men in these States.
Okay - so this has got to be the best video that I've watched in a long time when it comes to how we relate to each other. An intelligent black woman vs. an intelligent black man.

They are addressing real issues that are stereo-typical, fundamental, and down right educational within our community. In the beginning of the video he was joking - but when the phone calls came in and the educated woman got on his helmet and now this is a discourse between a black woman and a black man (black man got a Russian woman) and they are going at it.

Now just so that you know it - I was ready to get on this brothas helmet - but then the open minded part of me had to listen in order to make an accurate assessment. This brotha was on point - he out-smarted this woman in the logical area and that's the area we need to improve on which is the male strong point. Men and women (black Men & Women) need to start using their logical brain or we will fall in this society. We are more Effeminate as male's in this society where we have not stood up and faced our women but more importantly faced our enemies. Europeans are trying to turn us against each other through media. There are 350 movies of white men saving black women being the hero's and thus black women don't have as much as a problem with white men and black women interracial relationships. There are 170 white women and black men movies that are interracial relationships such as 'O' black man evil toward white women. Superhero's where black men are inferior are to white stronger women. Videos of white men basically raping black women and becoming their hero's at the end (Crash).

Women get used to the logical brain because the effeminate is ruling in our culture as MEN (not downing women) within a patriarchal society. It will be backward when the Matriarchal rule and the logical is ruling in the background ... there must be a balance!!!

What? :confused: You have way to much time on your hands! ;) You should read Afrikan history/culture! :D
If this ain't some...

Excuse? Based on what? It would seem that more black men don't have a problem with white women and saving them, seeing they date them far, far more, than black women don't have one with white men and any other men who aren't black.

No matter how many movies that have white men saving black women, black women aren't going for it. And no matter how much one might think black women have a problem with black men, they are the ones being waited on by the sistas

The title alone is divisive. Are black women the enemy? Excuse me, the BIGGEST enemy? Really? There's nothing intelligent to watch there.

Getting so tired of being told we're being turned on each other, only to have all problems dumped off on the black woman as for why and how.

But, at the very least, I have learned something about majority black men in these States.

Don't believe the hype! ;)
If this ain't some...

Excuse? Based on what? It would seem that more black men don't have a problem with white women and saving them, seeing they date them far, far more, than black women don't have one with white men and any other men who aren't black.

No matter how many movies that have white men saving black women, black women aren't going for it. And no matter how much one might think black women have a problem with black men, they are the ones being waited on by the sistas

The title alone is divisive. Are black women the enemy? Excuse me, the BIGGEST enemy? Really? There's nothing intelligent to watch there.

Getting so tired of being told we're being turned on each other, only to have all problems dumped off on the black woman as for why and how.

But, at the very least, I have learned something about majority black men in these States.


love the response (hence the lol).

I like the interaction between the two (male & female) as they tried to get some type of logical understanding of each others perspective. The argument seemed to be extremely emotional in that the woman's answers were based on emotionalism while this dude was using logic. She sounded extremely educated and knew how she felt about his TOPICS which his topics actually have generated threats on his life by our people (our people). That's why I took the time to listen to him. Truth of the matter is WE as a whole are our biggest enemies. The truth of the matter is the black man is the enemy to the black woman and the same is true in reverse. Before jumping to conclusions let me explain.

When we reject our basic common knowledge on how to communicate with each other - we've rejected union/unity. There is some weird battle going on between OUR women and OUR men and this battle is keeping us in a state of degradation. Our brothers are physically beating on women and our women are fighting with our soldiers verbally (some physically). Willie Lynch letter is real as we see the residuals of it. To deny that there is issues is to deny truth and to deny change.

So I also mentioned interracial movies and let me say why. So majority of the conversation that are being dealt with in concerns to interracial relationship seems to geared toward black men dating white women - yet there is a big population of black women dating white men and that is rarely confronted by our sistas. You don't hear to much from our sistas talking about how much they hate it - I've been on this site for 6 years and I've yet to see a conversation get started in regards to sistas hatred for black women having relationships to white men.

So the statistics dealing with interracial movies and the media's role in making our sistas comfortable with white male black woman relation can be seen. What we hear is that black men cannot handle a strong black women (which most of these women are actually asleep and weak) but we never hear anything about a black woman cannot handle a strong black man. You see so the social conditioning is what I was addressing in that the media/entertainment makes the white man the savior of our women while the media makes the black man white women crazy.

So where this dude is coming from is from the perspective that not only do we have to worry about the white people and racism - but our people are getting it from our sistas because of SOCIAL conditioning. This does not include the women on this site or other sites that have women who know what's going on. I almost forgot that black women were messing with white men until I heard this video. That's how much its been pushed in the background. I read this post from this sista and she said something amazing. She said "I can date and sleep with as many white men I want, but the black man is who need to be asking my hand in marriage". I was blown back by how comfortable she was with saying that is though black men are obligated to be with her when she get tired of sleeping with white people. This is basically the mentality our sistas accuse black men of but some are guilty of the same nonsense.

Its not propaganda as the brotha suggested - we cannot call anything propaganda when we are living proof of our situation - look around; propaganda and conspiracy theories is out the window in concerns to our people. We are faced with truth and need to acknowledge the truth.

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