Black Poetry : oh dear God

I too ask of such just one more time to embrace my pain and heart of broken notes
a prayer unto him to give her thy ear to hear thee and comfort thee one more time

Beautiful words thank you so much for directing me to this poem. It expresses everything that I feel as well. I miss my mama terribly but I know that she wouldn't want me to be sad. Even though we miss our loved ones we have to accept that they have been called Home and we have to go on until we join them. Thanks again for bumping this. :)
oh dear God
i need more strength
courage and sustenance
Lord if you will
allow her please
join me tonight
in my dreams

oh dear God
i know you know
the depths of which
my sorrow flows
Lord if you will
hear my prayer
ease my broken heart's despair

oh dear God
i miss her so
how much longer
can i go
without her love
please intervene
give her to me in a dream

oh dear God
let her hold me
as she wipes
my tear stained eyes
let her say
just one more time
it will be okay
dear child of mine

Sister Poet Destee,

This is a solemn heartfelt prayer. The refrain "oh dear God", conveys how much pain the subject is in and how much she truly needs to rest in His loving arms. The rhyme scheme is soft and compliments the mood of the piece. I loved how rhyme wasn't forced into places (lines) where it wasn't needed. I took a reader's liberty and read passed your last line and imaged you wrote that your prayers were answered. At least that's my prayer. Thanks for sharing your home and this poem.


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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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