Now all this talk has me wondering about Oprah too. Some say Whites are controller her, but is it actually the other way around??
Oprah once said about the people who put together "The Secret" that, this was something she was using already most of her life, but she never had a name for it. She also went on to mentioned that Black people already used "The Secret." While even I would call Oprah a Newage "lawofattractionist'" perhaps there is an even deeper and more well developed method to her madness? Those who study the Dark Arts already understand it's not just about "attraction" - it's really about alchemy and using laws and no law.
How many know that Oprah has a very large pagan audience?
How many Christians really believe in past lives and Aliens? Not many that would admit it publicly.
Oprah is another one. Same Mississippi roots as mine and related down the line from Attala County with some folks also in Neshoba. We both have great-grandmother's with the same name Hattie Ross. Born in the same year I believe in 1876. I was talking to an Elder sister in the bank yesterday from South Africa. She was wearing an Obama button and struck up a conversation with me then proceeded to "read me". Turns out she knows my mentor from South Africa (Tim Ngubeni) and his entire family from Johannesburgh and Soweto. Oprah strongly identifies with the Zulu.
Brother Credo Mutwa told us this day was coming when many of us would be "incarnated" according to the Dogon and Zulu accounts of the Nommo. Yet, many confuse this with a "reptilian agenda".
Folks still dont get it yet....except for a few. Like I say....some of us got it in the bloodlines....some of us dont.