Black People Politics : Obama: Fear or love?


Jan 28, 2008
If you're like me and have truly loved yourself and the people and you been out here for the people, then you've seen your share of the me black too--I'm not black but tryin' to help the whole world--unblack black folk--who have come with one palm open and their hand behind their back. Usually once their objective is achieved with the support of the people, they show you the other hand....

So the question is should we fear what is going on in the race today or should we love it blindly. And this doesn't even begin to mention the substantive issues of Obama's record which never truly seems to be an issue for anyone else in that farce we call presidential elections every 4 years...

This is not hate, just socio-political analysis, and if I offer it because I struggle with the issue and wonder what others think. Not to mention historically, black folk are the most sold out constituency in American politics. Period. My worry is the minute he's elected(which would truly be a miracle) Obama's gonna thank America by whippin' every brotha and sista he can through cut backs and policies---every body's worked for uncle tom.... I was real afraid this is what was behind his chastising black folk for the demand of accountability of him--when he said no more black enough questions....When all we were asking was his position regarding the black community agenda. I've been black and political long enough to know that being black and loving, acting, understanding, advocating, and being responsibly black are two different beasts.

Hope I didn't hurt any feelings. I'm jes wondering. I'm writing a new piece(novel) using him as a model for a character and was wondering what others thought. You see I believe this is the FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION POSED BY THIS CANDIDATE. ONE THAT NO ONE HAS FULLY ANSWERED. For me it's like we just want to be focused on the Euphoria. And forgive me if this has been already hashed out. Just supply the link....

i don't fear or love him,i just know enough about this country's history and politics to know that should this blackman actually capture the white house that we the black population in this country shouldn't start singing[happy days are here again]because very little if ANYTHING will change for us collectively be it four years or eight,so that pot of gold that some of us are hoping for ain't's fools gold.
That being said

oldiesman said:
i don't fear or love him,i just know enough about this country's history and politics to know that should this blackman actually capture the white house that we the black population in this country shouldn't start singing[happy days are here again]because very little if ANYTHING will change for us collectively be it four years or eight,so that pot of gold that some of us are hoping for ain't's fools gold.
What do we do for ourselves to prepare for the next 4 years?
Clarification and my second question about Obama

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was trying to ask how should we as discerning individuals understand the Obama issue and once understood then how do we deal with it. Because this way we will start to have a national agenda concerning the "unBlack Black Hopesman" which will be given to us next. It will be thus because ego will drive another of them out there from the bush as it were and Oprah has enough money and influence --which I do not see dying at any point--(this was/is about Oprah's ego as much as Obama's--you do know that?)

As always with a national agenda there will be no unity nor recognition and every body driving a new car will think those who do know it, can understand it or believe there is a need for it is merely wasting their time as one of those--black people, regardless of their own status as white--I mean black.

What I'm trying to say is as a Black man about to become an elder in a few decades, a brother who is a leader in his own community, how should I see this Obama thing and have my positions been close to the community's?

And my second question is even more troubling. If we should fear the stripe Marse's O'verseer will put to our collective back, how do we deal with the apologists, egotists, fools and opportunists who will undoubtedly attempt to foil our attempts against the very white wing(some would say right wing) social policies which will disparately affect our communities as they leave the unblack black white house. If you believe the house divided against itself is so now when you look at the national black socio-political structure, you wait until its the ultimate house unblack black person who is behaving like one whom we must battle.

Lastly, I am not saying that fear or love in either case is a very real emotional response. What I'm saying is how we should allow our spirits to move? For example, Should I say the response to Obama is a good thing and let people around me be Obama-fied. Or should I say no, I won't let Obamafication go unchallenged in my presence. Any other way is allowing the world to happen rather than being in touch with and controlling it to the degree that it can be.


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