We are all holographic symbols of our collective unconscious. Shadows of collective dreaming. The greatest illusion is that of separation, and if you are viewing reality from an individual perspective only- you are not seeing the truth- but you are seeing "a" truth. A truth that says we all represent something that is happening on the micro-level.
There are no independent experiences. And if experiences make up who we are, we are only the capstones on a much larger pyramid of consciousness.
When we consider our leaders, our teachers, our Pastors, our Presidents. They too are manifestations of our collective dreaming. Even when we consider the societies- secret or otherwise that spawn them.
The infinite Universe is nothing more than a stage to which our collective minds manifest soul issues. The bodies and vehicles that take shape on the landscape of time are sculpted by the psychosis of the dreamers.
And this is why we have the full right to call ourselves Gods and Goddesses.
Especially when we are made fully aware of our collective dreaming.
George Bush was and is a manifestation of the American collective dream. He represents a mindset and even a soulset that is prevalent within American society of dreamers. He would not exist, nor would his madness exist if it did not originate within the collective mind to being with.
Bush was no different than those who seek to kill everything that they fear, and ignore those things they wish would just go away.
Obama is also a dream character. One that seems to have stepped right out of the minds of most "African Americans." Unconscious collective dreamers. He also would not exist without that energy originating within the collective.
We incorrectly rate ourselves as individual people, when we are actually tiny leaves on the long branches of mighty trees. Even what "we" are is more vast than what "we" can think.
And even though we are all results of collective dreaming...the problem is that we are afraid of our own shadows. And this is why we manifest Saviors to protect us from them. But nothing can protect a God from it's own creation. Within this collective dream, many have "created" Obama as that Savior, to free them from what they assume is a force greater than themselves.
We wait and pray for our Messiahs, but even our Messiahs are only projections of our collective unconscious. There are no Gods higher or lower in this dream world. We are either conscious of "God" as ourselves or unconscious. So when we feel powerless it can only mean we are leasing out our God abilities to something else that we are creating through fear.
Even when our leaders are selected for a hidden agenda, that purpose is designed by the collective dreaming of the people, it is however deep within our psyche. Depopulation is deep within the psyche. War is deep within the psyche. Even rape and murder is deep within the psyche of the collective. So long as the majority rule, and the majority are not conscious, this will continue to be the case.
The Rapist lives in the basement of the building as people on the above floors dream about taking what they want whenever they want it.
Is he not a spawn of their most hidden thoughts and dreams?
What have we been dreaming about as a collective? Have we asked for a Savior or a deceiver? One that would sneak back into the Master's house and recover the items that were once stolen from us?
When we place our own lives in review, we will realize that everything that has come about is the result of how the darker and lighter areas in our dream mind correlate. The mate laying in your bed is most likely an embodiment of that part of yourself hidden from your consciousness.
We fear the shadows, and this is why we created light- as the Savior of the world.