Black Poetry : No Priest to Greet Me!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2007
Check the meanin' in the message
He is as he thinks ...
Himself better than the rest
He strivin' to be the best
And he can be whatever he stress
King of the World
But only if you fail to heed this lesson.

Truth crashin' my foes
Like the dummies they be
To entertain such a vain idea
As to claim my place.

Paint a Prophet with a pale face
To give him a race
Lable the Gods of Ptah Tanen
An utter disgrace.

Spreadin' lies of a Wicked Seed
Fully resurrected
Blessed of God and given Heaven.

Six days on the Throne
November the 14th
In one swift Motion
A hundred years deceased.

Tell me if you know
Or if you really care
What the voice of those chosen to suffer
Speaks of Death.

Help me understand how it is
That my people were murdered
Raped and robbed
Systematically torcher'd by so-called
People of God
Tell ya the devil aint'cha brother
My experience inspires me
To murder these bustas.

Turn around and watch the world burn
The truth making changes
Flip the poles and put me in the East
Waking from my sleep ... to find
My people scattered, no priest
To see the rebirth of my mind.
Thanks a Bundle of Joy.

HopelisRomantic said:
So true and profound! I believe we have to be our own priests for it is the spirituality within us all that allows us to truly experience our true destiny.

Appreciate your words, Sis. I am also of the opinion that we must be our own priests. In fact, this is hinted in my poem. "Waking from my sleep" speaks to spiritual rebirth of my mind. But what I found was that my people had been scattered and/or displaced. Thus, no priest was present, despite the fact that the Earth (that is, its poles) had been flipped in such a way as to "put me in the East," though I reside in the West, where I find no priest to witness the new me or mind/spirit that I am. The priests are my own people.


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Destee wrote on Cindy's profile.
YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
Destee wrote on frankster's profile.