Your experience with the NGE and the women within them is quite different from mine. I've seen so-called "Earths" being treated precisely as such; something to walk on, be abused, used, etc.
Many of the ones I have come in contact with are African-American women who are seeking knowledge, and end up getting "romantically" hit on, impregnated, and left to be single mothers. The "Gods" move on to different women that they call "Earths", so they can repeat the process, while they are in and out of jail, where many of them became 5% in the first place.
Many of these "Gods" consume what they call "Poison Animal", in the form of alcohol, drugs, and the like. And let's no talk about the domestic violence that ensues. And finally, because many of these "Gods" are trying to act out their "Islamic Right" to have many women, they end up having a harem of them--Or what they think is a harem. Instead, what they end up with, is a buncha baby-mama's cat-fighting with each other, and the "Babies" that these "Gods" claim to be teaching are the ones that suffer for it.
Destee, not to knock your experiences with the 5%'ers, but I have been affiliated with them since I was 16 (I'm in my 40's now). I've lived in different cities and states, including NYC, which is the central point of the NGE. These are just a few of the reasons that I left the Nation so many years ago.
I can't speak for brother Precise, because I haven't met him. However, this is not my first rodeo; he demonstrates online behavior that is quite reminiscent of what I have seen in real life, that I described above. Beligerent, name calling, personal attacks, and inviting you to meet in person, so he can physically assault you, in what the 5%'ers call a "Universal Beat down", where the "Gods" surround you in a "Cipher" and beat the crap out of you, if you say or do something they don't like or agree with.
When I was younger, I thought this version of exacting the "Knowledge-Knowledge Degree" was cool, and what our community needed. However, over the years, I've outgrown that gang mentality.
Destee, I know we have had our differences in the past, but one thing should be VERY clear about me: I despise abuse of women, especially Black women, whether it's physical, mental, or emotional.
Again, please take notice that I used the term "MANY"; "many" Gods, "many" Earths. Not ALL, and not even MOST. I've known some VERY peaceful Gods, a few of whom are amongst my best of friends to this very day. So I don't want to paint the picture that all of the NGE is engaged in this type of behavior. But the behavior I've described is too pervasive these days. And even if it's just one..... One is one too many.
Brother SAMURAI36 ... i appreciate the response.
Something you said in a previous post, about great debates, struck home with me. is not the place to escape great debate. As much as i seek and want the positive, what i consider positive ... everyone gets to put their version of it on the table ... if they can do that respectfully, without calling names, etc., ... and we've been doing it for a very long time ... especially in this particular forum ... the Main Spirituality / Religion Forum. Every path known to man has probably had to go through the fire, if you will, right here at destee. I'm often the one trying to bring balance to the discussion (i think it's sorta my job) while insuring peace remains ours in the process.
What you're doing now, i've seen done to most every path. Christianity has taken a beat-down like no other. Most all descendants of enslaved Africans in America, were once Christian, with many of our Beloved Ancestors dying with the belief ... and i can't even protect their choices from being debated in their absence ... for i have tried.
I can't protect anyone ... from challenge or debate ... but i can share my opinion on the topic(s).
When it comes to women being mistreated by patriarchy, i doubt seriously that we'll find the NGE at the core of the issue. I'll go one further, and say that we won't even find a Black Man of any faith, at the core of that issue. There are women being mistreated in every walk of life. Wherever you find us, the chances are great there will be one or some being mistreated. The psychology of this phenomena is beyond me, but given its wide spread across the landscape ... i'm not convinced that the NGE is any more guilty than any organization. As you say, it's not all of the Sisters within, so obviously there's a path of escape ... within ... should one choose it.
Bottomline ... i can't be mad at the debate ... for that's what we do here.
It will be up to each one reading, to make decisions for themselves.
Thanks for sharing.
Much Love and Peace.