Your a poser. That's what you have to do if you have no shine or your own...... you gotta try and reflect something else.
Ah yes, the typical 5% tactic: start trading insults, when they run out of intellectual gas. For those watching, this is what their knowledge amounts to; it's why they'd rather have you come to Allah School, so they can attempt to physically intimidate you.
If you were ever about this life you would know the foundation of everything is knowledge....... and what do we tell everyone who is interested in this way of life? "Do the knowledge." Nobody taught you that? You been on this forum longer than me and you were too lazy to go look in our NGE section. 9 pages of dialogue about the very same topic.
LMAO, yes, I now all about "doing the knowledge". This is old hat for me.
Your brand of nonsense has already been dealt with long time ago.
You're just the next one trying to beat a dead horse.
First, I can't post in that thread, per orders of management. But I've read some of your ridiculous statements from that thread, such as:
The black man comes from the womb of the black woman, fact. The black woman gives birth to the black child because the black man put the spark of life in the womb, fact. If this doesn't make sense to you then nothing will.
This is not accurate.
and for all your rhetorical gymnastics you still haven't stated how the first woman get pregnant to even have a baby on an umbilical cord. Now if you're going with the assumption that the black woman (homo sapien) has always existed then again, you have a problem because there is little evidence to support that notion as well. Next you'll be telling us that we came here in spaceships from the planet Risq........ GTFOH!
So you know nothing about the premise of asexuality? That's nice to know.
Goddess is not a word that translates well into our perspective. Why? Because if you understand the above then it should be clear that what we teach is the black man is God and God is 1.
Actually, what you are teaching as the Black MALE is God. And since 5%'ers are notorious for twisting and warping the English language to their whims, it should be made known that the term "man" doesn't just mean "male".
man adult male person, as distinguished from a boy or a woman.
2. a member of the species Homo sapiens or all the members of this species collectively, without regard to sex: prehistoric man.
3.the human individual as representing the species, without reference to sex; the human race; humankind: Man hopes for peace, but prepares for war.
4.a human being; person: to give a man a chance; When the audience smelled the smoke, it was every man for himself.
5.a husband.
Thus, "Black Man" isn't just limited to males. And it never was originally, before the NGE innovated the meaning of the Lessons.
The suffix es or ess implies gender for a specific classification. This doesn't work when we consider the black man is God. There is no Maness to go with Man, there is no Suness to go with Sun, there is no Kingess to go with King, and there is no Fatheress to go with Father. Consequently there is no gender suffix for Earth, Queen Mother, or Woman. They are feminine in nature and nothing else is needed to designate their gender. One can only speculate but I will state that this is the reason why the word Goddess doesn't appear anywhere in our curriculum.
This is an interesting point, but it fails when you consider that "ess" appaears all thru out the English language, which you have no issues using as the foundation of your "curriculum."
What is the female counterpart to a lion, or a tiger? A waiter or an actor? A priest? A Chief?
Also, do you know what the female equivalent to "Lord" and "Master" is? Do you use these terms to describe the Black Woman?
This is a good lesson right here why we generally don't lose time trying to add on with people via internet forums. Y'all think y'all know when in fact you don't which makes you resistant to learning in the first place. Therefore we got to go through the task of emptying your cup before we can actually teach you. Do you knowledge 120? Supreme Wisdom? If not then you have no chance of being my equal regarding these concepts. Sometimes the wisest thing you should do is pay attention then go study.
And this is why the 5% fail as a respectable "curriculum". It's not your job to "empty someone's cup", any more than it is anyone else's to empty yours. And even if it were someone else's job, you wouldn't allow your cup to be emptied anyway, would you?
You can say it all day long and it will still have no relevance. If I learn how to read or apply math in a church that makes literacy and mathematics religious? Truth is truth and I am the truth. Religious institutions transmit the truth (in varying degrees) they don't own it.
There's a difference between learning to read and write in church, and gaining your entire life perspective and teachings from it. This is the point that I brought up in your other thread. You want to claim absolute autonomy from the NOI, but your entire foundation comes form it.
It's as disrespectful to omit the history that came before, as you (rightfully) claim that it is to continue to call Allah "Clarence".
If you & the rest of the NGE feel so strongly about separating yourself from the NOI, then why hasn't an entirely no "curriculum" been created in all these years?
Your assumptions about us are incorrect because the foundation of your assumptions about us are incorrect. I'll advise you to do the same thing I said to the Nelson fella. Don't lose time trying to debate us on the internet. Find the Gods & Earths in your area and build with them. Share your concerns with them about how you think we're this or that. They'll give it to you raw and uncut with no chaser instead of trying to reach you through the sterile, cyber medium that is We are here to present you with food for thought. By all means ask questions. Ask more questions when you get answers. Just know that there is order to what we do and if you want to ask high level questions then you need to have beginner level understanding FIRST.
Ahh, yes: the "raw and uncut". Translated, "I will get in your face, and cuss you out, and probably physically assault you, where as I can't do that online. But I masquerade my hostility under the auspice of saying PEACE."
Geezz, where do you people come from? Telling us about our own Supreme Mathematics system. You built with B Allah. Great. B Allah didn't speak for everyone in Allah's Nation. He told you how he see it and that's peace. It's rather corny that this crew of so-called Kemetic scientists wanna come up in here talking what you think you know about us.
So wait: B Allah doesn't speak for everyone in the Nation, but you do? That's nice to know.
For real. Y'all need to stop with the fake, internet, gangbang and go deal with the Gods and Earths in the physical. I rest in Syracuse NY and Atlanta GA. Anyone one of you or even the bunch of you can get at me in the physical.
And, we have more of the physical confrontation stuff.
Emphatically no. There is no order beyond Supreme Mathematics.... only disorder. Through the annals of time this has been shown and proven over and over again. Kingdoms rise and fall because they either observe universal order or stray away. Kemet is no exception because Kemet no longer exists. The days of prophets, messengers, emissaries, and intermediaries are over. Allah is here in person.
The black man is God, the black woman is Earth and the babies are the greatest.
Precise Infinite Peace Allah
Wrong again. Kemet as a physical place no longer exists, but it's people do, otherwise you wouldn't be here now. Also, the knowledge continues to exist as well. It was imprinted into Stone. Stones that are still standing, as testimony to the Black Gods and Goddesses that built them. And Kemet didn't have prophets and messengers, they had Gods and Goddesses. The only reason you even know what a God is, is because of Kemet.
Has the NGE built any monuments that have yet to be destroyed? I say emphatically Now Cipher.