Black People : New China Problem For America: Attack Of The Vespa Mandarinia


Bug experts dismiss worry about US 'murder hornets' as hype

Insect experts say people should calm down about the big bug with the nickname “murder hornet” — unless you are a beekeeper or a honeybee.

The Asian giant hornets found in Washington state that grabbed headlines this week aren’t big killers of humans, although it does happen on rare occasions. But the world's largest hornets do decapitate entire hives of honeybees, and that crucial food pollinator is already in big trouble.

Associated Press

Panicked over 'murder hornets,' people are killing native bees we desperately need


Vespa mandarinia — a.k.a. the Asian giant hornet or, as it's come to be known in the U.S., the murder hornet. <span class=copyright>(Gary Alpert / en.wikipedia)</span>

Vespa mandarinia — a.k.a. the Asian giant hornet or, as it's come to be known in the U.S., the "murder hornet." (Gary Alpert / en.wikipedia)

Jeanette Marantos
LA Times

Forget murder hornets. Giant gypsy moths could bring 'serious, widespread damage' to the US.

"If established in the United States, Asian gypsy moths could cause serious, widespread damage to our country’s landscape and natural resources," the U.S. Department of Agriculture is warning.

Doyle Rice, USA TODAY

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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