Black Spirituality Religion : Never saw this posted here...............

Blackbird said:
Greetings Sista,

It is good to hear from you. I hope everything has been going well and the Creator is revealing what needs to be revealed. In regards to the orisa claiming one's head, it is said only one claims your head. This one would be the energy you incarnated into the world with. There are stories of people getting initiated into the wrong orisa and going crazy. Typically, one would consult Ifa to determine who claims one's head. Any other method is mainly speculation so Ifa would be the confirmation. Sometimes, one's orisa can be determined by noticing one's character traits, personality and/or physical attributes. Which one do you believe carries your head? I'm a child of Ellegua myself. :devil:

Now regarding contacting your inner spirit, definitely I would advise praising, cleansing and making offering to your Ori. You can place camphor and water underneath your bed at night before you sleep. You can also leave a glass of cool water and a white candle by your bedside resting on a table if possible. You can write a message with your request and place it underneath the glass of water. Remember to visit your altar and open communication with your spirits.

Some spirits that walk with us are very beneficial and benevolent, others are neutral (if you will) and the remainder can be very destructive and malevolent. Don't just assume all spirits attach to us in order to help us in life or fulfill their requirements for light. Spirits still assume the same traits as people. You have good people and those not so good. There are many spirits that will try to do any and everything to hinder our growth and cause chaos in our lives. These are the ones we try to avoid or do things to remove them from us. Many Afrikan-amerikans, even good devout Christian folk, have spirits walking with us that definitely try to hold us back and influence our decisions for the worst. Alot of times this spirits are "white". I had one removed from me, a "white" spirit bent on destroying me. I recall many Black folks who have had to have "white" spirits removed. They alot of times are the spirits of plantation owners and slave masters that we inherit from our folks. Not all beneficial spirits walking with us are our bloodline ancestors, however, they are still deemed ancestors as our guides and teachers.

The best way to propitiate spirits "walking with us" during our work is to pour out water for libation and invoke their presence. I use this alot when I conduct readings and the like.

Are you a fellow rootworker as well? My Native American ancestor, hmm?

Any questions? You know you can ask.... Hope this helps,

Blackbird (feeds from the offering of corn for humility)

This was extraodinary advice. Thank you brotha

Greetings my friend

I must say you have helped me out a lot with your eloquent and insightful response. I am still in the early phases of learning all of this. I have learned about much of what you said about spirits, good vs. not so good. I have been keeping my senses open so to speak. I have some "white" spirits as you call them. I know this because I have a particular one that has made herself known to me during my dreams. She is not "good" and it is apparent she does not like me. She is threatened by me some how and the fact that I show no fear and feel none makes her mad. I have had an Orisha (Oya) show up and give me "gifts" of some kind that I carry on my person. I am sorry to say that I have not been able to discern what they are or why she has given them to me.

To answer your question, I think my head is Oya. She visits me in my visions and makes her presence known in my daily walk when I ask her to help me. I have many characteristics of her, but then again I do as well of Chango, and Oshun. I am still on the search. I have been told that the Orisha will change position according to the persons needs in life so I have at least 5 that walk strong with me.

The most disappointing aspect of all of this is finding someone whom I can trust to help me walk this path. I am very interested in Ifa/Vodoun. I know even though I fight it, yes I am being honest, that this is my path. I am at home with hoodoo and am learning the practices of this folk magic actively and with much enthusiasim.

I really want to connect with ones that can initate me in this path and teach me the old ways of my people. I know one of my many paths and gifts is to teach, serve, heal, counsel and lead my people through this path, its just finding someone who can assist me in the proper function of it all.

Ohh What to do?

Yes, I do have Native American all up in my path as well. For instance not too long ago from a vision, I learned that my totem animal, my power animal are snakes. A little FYI... I do not like snakes, I can remember since I was a little girl dreaming about them and waking up screaming. Now they send me messages in my sleep and have actually helped me to heal during sickness. Amazing how all things are connected. I don't fear them as much but I still am very cautious. I just don't love em.

I want to thank you for your gracious advice. I will be checking into to your opinons and views. I am excited about it, I have been having visions lately of a lush green place with huge old white houses with pillars. Its hot and I am in the deep south. At first I thought it was Florida where my family is from, then I realized it was not. I had a recollection from a Psychic that she could see my traveling or moving to the south. She named 3 states. Texas, Florida (which I had moved from back to Michigan) and Louisianna! I might be taking me a trip to New Orleans, I am feeling like that is where the vision is coming from. I am going to tell you I am scared! But my willingness to learn,shape and form myself into what the creator wants me to be drives me to keep going.

Thanks again Brotha Blackbird.


Sista Lady,

It is good to hear you are walking your path. Iba e Yansa. Maferefun Oya! Ase, ase, ase-o!

Definitely, my baba, Ellegua, shows up often in my dreams - warning me or offering me guidance. Iba e Baba.

This is my take on "white" spirits and Afrikan descendants. People wonder why we behave the way we do, many times not in the best interest of our Afrikan selves and our community.... I believe it is do to these "white" spirits we have among us.

"I am at home with hoodoo and am learning the practices of this folk magic actively and with much enthusiasim."

Likewise, I too feel at home with rootwork. I have been working roots for a while now. By doing this, you feel as if there is an unbroken chain connecting you to previous generations and they are guiding your thoughts and the way you handle things regarding "work".

"I really want to connect with ones that can initate me in this path and teach me the old ways of my people. I know one of my many paths and gifts is to teach, serve, heal, counsel and lead my people through this path, its just finding someone who can assist me in the proper function of it all."

Peace, I understand. The real initiation comes from your egun and your inner spirit. Your egun will lead you to the experiences and house you need for growth. I can testify about that on my journey of initiation into Vodou and Palo.

Sista, there is too much to tell you of how much I've learned lately. I have alot of Indian spirits that walk with me. One particular one, an ancestor, was revealed at a spiritual gathering as a medicine man who was passing gifts on to me. He guides my practice in hoodoo - providing ase to conduct readings and do work. Many more. Honor your spirits. They walk with you for a purpose. My Indian ancestor came in my dream as a blackbird (hence my name). He shapeshifted into a blackbird to protect. Many shamans were known to possess the knowledge to shapeshift and I know my ancestor knew this. Blackbirds appear to me when I need strength and protection. Definitely, that is my totem - the Blackbird (The Raven).

I know some ab'orisa in Nawlins. So if you need any contacts, let me know. I know a few mambos as well.

Blackbird (shapeshifts into the dark of night)
PurpleMoons said:
Do you believe that people have and can correspond with the ancestors?
Do you believe in people having physic abilities and premonitions?
Do you believe that people can talk to lost spirits?

If yes/no please elaborate. And explain why you do or dont.


Prayer, Meditation, Devotion are ways to 'commune' with Ancestors and the "Spirit World'.

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