Black Spirituality Religion : Never saw this posted here...............

I do believe

PurpleMoons said:
Do you believe that people have and can correspond with the ancestors?
Do you believe in people having physic abilities and premonitions?
Do you believe that people can talk to lost spirits?

If yes/no please elaborate. And explain why you do or dont.

Purplemoons, your questions are good ones.. sad to say no one has replied.

Yes, I believe that individuals who are intuned with thier heritage can commune with ancestors. I believe if one is intuned to that part of themselves it is possible.

I believe that we all possess some physic abillities. Some are more defined than others. However, I believe if a person has a desire to develop there physic sense it can be done to the fullest

Yes, I believe that people can talk to spirits. Here again if it is developed. The third eye has to be opened. Most of us close it due to outside, cultural and societal influences. But it can be opened.

Lady Bastet

Lady Bastet said:
Purplemoons, your questions are good ones.. sad to say no one has replied.

Yes, I believe that individuals who are intuned with thier heritage can commune with ancestors. I believe if one is intuned to that part of themselves it is possible.

I believe that we all possess some physic abillities. Some are more defined than others. However, I believe if a person has a desire to develop there physic sense it can be done to the fullest

Yes, I believe that people can talk to spirits. Here again if it is developed. The third eye has to be opened. Most of us close it due to outside, cultural and societal influences. But it can be opened.

Lady Bastet
Very Good Answer And The Third Eyes Can Be Open Again . Haven't Heard Any Sister Speak Of Third Eye In A While .
Yes, people can commune with their ancestors. Namely me! There are very precise and careful methods to invoke them .

Psychic ability is determined by the mother -child relation. My mother is a medium so it was fairly well developed in me before birth.

Most psychics operate on a gut feeling so to speak, thru meditation and libation your psychic awareness increases. There is a direct correlation between "talking" as well as feeding your ancestors and the hightened awareness of psychic ability

You know, I've always been interested in things like this. SAdly, most people who know i was interested dismissed it as a "white" thing, or at the very least, weird.

I truely believe in communication on another plane. I have seen a few ancestral spirits in my day (if that's what they were, and amazingly enough, they weren't MY ancestors!), and I have felt the presence of a few.

I've been hearing a lot lately about ancient/ancestral memory. What is this? How does it work? I know I have weird dreams sometimes, almost like trances...... Anyone have any info on this?

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