Thank you sooooo much for sharing this!
This Sistah had me ROLLIN'!
Yes, her message was of a serious topic/nature; but her delivery was HILARIOUS!
However, I totally agree with her message. This video was in direct response to some Black women she had "absorbed;" but this message fits some Black men as well.
And, I particularly agreed with the part where she talked about not being deceived by those with all their "outward" appearances of so-called "Consciousness."----Yes, sadly, there are many Black men and women goin' around spoutin' their Conscious RHETORIC, wearing their locks and African attire and jewelry, always talkin' bout the "Ancestors" this-and-that, etc.....and when you
really listen to them talk, a lot of what they say is always putting other Black people down about what they do/don't do, Black women wearing perms; Black folks are ignorant/don't know their history; still "stuck in the matrix;" still blinded by Christianity; need to wake up.....and all kindsa stuff that details what is so WRONG with us.......and THEN, they wanna talk about BLACK UNITY in the NEXT BREATH.
When that kinda negative stuff is almost ALL you hear from a Black man or Black woman, yeah, you hafta distance yourself from it to a degree.
Sadly, what these negative Black people don't seem to realize is that they probably push away more Black people with their negativity than pull them to them.
IMO, largely, the people who agree/co-sign with them must be just as negative themselves to endorse all that negativity the others spew.
Again, thanks for sharing!......I was really laughin' at the end cuz this Sistah was so heated, she wuz 'bout to go git a