Black Poetry : Nature's haiku (blakverb version)

And this is why I need YOU in my life...

I need you to
"teach" me Haiku
like I'm learning
cause I'm fightin'
with tryin' to understand
how to lay this **** down...
Now here you come along...effort-less-ly (ok),
and done blew my little
alphabetical nursery rhyme haiku
outta da water! Waz up wit dat Blakman?!!

But I gotz lots of :heart: for
ya' honeysugadumplin'!! --You got it like dat!
On da real~ :kiss:
Thanks for sharing this...
as usual, your **** don't stink...and I never
expect it too; (oh, and, if it did--I'd tell ya')!!

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Destee wrote on Ms Drea's profile.
Peace and Blessings My Sister! :love:
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays to all members of Destee.