Black People : National Blackout Day


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2001
I received this email as a reminder...

National Black Out Day

If this message spreads like those Tavis Smiley and Jesse Jackson
messages, we may be able to accomplish something...

Have you heard about National Black Out Day?
That is a day where Black People will not spend their money anywhere.

It is May 20th. Black people across America will not frequent any establishment to show white America that our money has spending power, that we can unify together and relay
a powerful message.

The message is that we are not the minority.
We are the majority. Our dollars keeps the economic system afloat. And if we do NOT spend money in any white
establishments, they will be able to see the impact that what ONE single day can have on economics So send this message to
all of your friends and family so that this can be successful.

David L. Price
ETS Coordinator
North AL Center for Edu. Excellence
Thanks Thandiwe,

I've heard of this day before, is it the same day each year? I guess I should remember but I don't. It seems that I never hear about this day until it is upon us (that could be my own fault). My concern this May 20th in particular, is that I know (black) people who have scheduled events for this day. They obviously have not heard about or taken heed to the fact that we are being asked not to spend any money, as their events are depending on black folk to spend money. It seems rather disorganized, but that's because I'm just hearing about it and May 20th is almost here.

Do these folk have a web site where more information can be obtained?

There are black folk in business that could be hurt as a result of this as well, what effort is taken to make sure the ones we are trying to help ... aren't hurt.

I think I'm rambling now ... :)



I just called Mr. Price at the number above and he said he was not the originator of this email, but rather, someone shared it with him and he did the same. He can't confirm if this date is real and is not aware of a web site for more information. Of course I invited him to join our discussion forum. :)
You are correct, it is disorganized and alot of people know about it or would believe it to be fruitless.

As far as the date, I know it is done this time of year. I thought it was the 19th but perhaps it could be the third sunday type of thing. It's been going on for quite a few years. (I was trying to find some more information, but I won't find that here in MN.) I have originally heard about National Blackout Day from the now defunct Emerge ;( Magazine.

YOu are correct, black businesses could be hurt by this. However, they are still part of the larger economic structure. If we had and sustained our own, we wouldn't need to have these type of demonstrations.

According to my interpretation, by withdrawing our dollars on this day, we show the economic power that we have.

I posted this on another board and was meet with some criticism about the Blackout Day.

I pointed out that the Million Man March show us in large numbers and the power we could have, however, not much was done afterwards, or the steam evaporated. Nonetheless, I think once we realized our economic power we can more power over our lives.

I will be withholding my dollars on May 20 - National Blackout Day. I also believe that we must do this as a whole community (black) in order for it to be effective. Then after that be more conscious of how and where we spend our money...and build so that we don't have to have these demonstrations at all.

My friend, Nexis5, believes it should be an everyday Blackout day.

and one more point: WE do have a problem organizing and getting our agendas to working...
No problem

Unfortunately N'Soul, not many or enough people are aware of this movement. it seems the movement has stalled because of lack of information and purpose.

Others see it as just another protest, and not really worth much value. Particularly since tommorow and today, we will still be out spending our money in stores own by non-blacks.

but here i am, in the house, saving my little bit of money. :)

until tuesday that is. How will I know you? Should be holla out

Destee! in the house!!! :D

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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