I received this email as a reminder...
National Black Out Day
If this message spreads like those Tavis Smiley and Jesse Jackson
messages, we may be able to accomplish something...
Have you heard about National Black Out Day?
That is a day where Black People will not spend their money anywhere.
It is May 20th. Black people across America will not frequent any establishment to show white America that our money has spending power, that we can unify together and relay
a powerful message.
The message is that we are not the minority.
We are the majority. Our dollars keeps the economic system afloat. And if we do NOT spend money in any white
establishments, they will be able to see the impact that what ONE single day can have on economics So send this message to
all of your friends and family so that this can be successful.
David L. Price
ETS Coordinator
North AL Center for Edu. Excellence
National Black Out Day
If this message spreads like those Tavis Smiley and Jesse Jackson
messages, we may be able to accomplish something...
Have you heard about National Black Out Day?
That is a day where Black People will not spend their money anywhere.
It is May 20th. Black people across America will not frequent any establishment to show white America that our money has spending power, that we can unify together and relay
a powerful message.
The message is that we are not the minority.
We are the majority. Our dollars keeps the economic system afloat. And if we do NOT spend money in any white
establishments, they will be able to see the impact that what ONE single day can have on economics So send this message to
all of your friends and family so that this can be successful.
David L. Price
ETS Coordinator
North AL Center for Edu. Excellence