Black Money Business Jobs : National Black Chamber of Commerce


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
Is there one in your city?

There are 1 million African American owned businesses in the United States, which account for over $100 billion in annual sales. Traditionally, the most common form of African American-owned business has been in the service sector, (e.g., barber or beauty shops, transportation, etc.). Now the fastest growing sectors are business services, legal services, insurance and real estate.

African Americans are 50% more likely than whites to start their own businesses.

26% of black men with some graduate school education are trying to start a business, vs. just 10% of white men

16% of black men making more than $76,000 a year are trying to start a business, vs. 10% of whites.

Two in five of all African American owned firms are owned by women. These firms employ 31.5% of the workers in African American owned firms and generate 20.4% of the sales.

The number of African American women-owned firms has increased by 32.5%, employment has grown by 50.1, and sales have risen by 43.9%.

Sources: Center for Women’s Business Research, National Black Chamber of Commerce
I live near Wilmington, Delaware. There are many black owned businesses here. We have a place called Market Street Mall that has many black owned businesses. There are restraurants, record shops, boutiques, book stores, barber shops etc. One of the largest funeral homes here is owned by a black family, they also just built a large housing complex. I am a landlord and have owned as many as twenty buildings at one time. There are also many black doctors here. It's hard to say what businesses are owned by blacks, because the owners sometimes prefer to remain in the background. What is missing here is the small, black owned, neighborhood businesses. Indians own many of the liquor stores, corner stores, gas stations and motels. Those are areas that more black entrepreneurs need to explore

This area has a lot of black building contractors also. The mayor of Wilmingotn is also black, and the state itself is very business friendly with about a twenty percent black population overall. The unemployment rate here is about 3.5 percent. The median income is about $45,000 per year.

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