Still waiting for a response ...
"However, again... that's not what science says.
Science tells us that monkeys and humans have a common ANCESTOR. All animals do. That's why so much of our DNA is the same and that includes DNA errors." -- quote from IPXninja
@Perfection As a graduate in Biology, humans and animals are not the same. The elements in this universe that are composed does not have much bearing on the uniqueness of monkeys in contrast and comparison to humans.
No matter how scientist say that the DNA of humans and monkeys are similar, I do not believe that you will ever see a monkey driving a car or building a house or flying an airplane. That is just not going to happen.
You are not going to see a half human/half gorilla today. You are not going to see a half human/half dog. You are not going to see a half dog/half anything... our DNA does not evolve. In order for that to occur, it would be a repetition. The East Michigan bacteria did not evolve. That is false. It went through what is called 'adaptation' not evolution. For this to occur, it would have to repeat.
You are not going to see a monkey or a gorilla communicating with a human verbally. This means that the difference is huge, matter how similar the scientist say the DNA is between monkeys and humans.
I am going to give you an example of 'a common ancestor' based on genetic proof:
The MRCA [i.e. Most Recent Common Ancestor] of Neanderthals, scientist say is Denisovans. This means that both the Neanderthals and the Denisovans (dark skinned) hominids are the same an some earlier time period. So in other words, Neanderthals are simply Denisovans too, but for some reason, they became mutated and are not dark skinned like their ancestors, the Denisovans. And unlike the Denisovans, Neanderthals cannot reproduce to bare malefactors that are anatomically straight males. Unlike Denisovans, Neanderthals are either [were either] born intersexed or females, that's it. After the Denisovans disappeared off the earth, the Neanderthals that were intersexed could cause other Neanderthals to be born either intersexed or female and that's it. But the Denisovans that were here, could cause males to be born. But then soon, they disappeared.
FAST FORWARD to the presence of Modern Mankind, and today, scientist know that Neanderthal DNA is present in Modern Mankind. But not Denisovan DNA!!!
So therefore, Neanderthal DNA proves that some light skinned genes stem from modern humans of whom at some point intermixed with Neanderthals. But Denisovans who were dark skinned, their DNA does not show up in the genetics of any modern mankind.
In conclusion to this point; there is genetic proof of the most recent ancestors of Neanderthals but there is NO MONKEY genes in modern humans today! There is no such genetic proof of humans and monkeys having a modern ancestor! LOL.
IMO, that is just IXPninja believing it is truth because he has an obsession with White Supremacy and Colorism and whatever he has heard coming from WS movement and the kind of false rhetoric pushed on us that has nothing to do with proven genetics.
Another example of this kind of false obsession with White people and their racist beliefs pushed on us back in the 60s is the Monkey ABO blood group.
White racist pushed the false propaganda that Black Africans came from monkeys because we have the same blood group. Nevertheless, true scientist whether they are European or not, did not support that evil. All modern humans have the ABO Blood group, however, the racist hatred and movement came about due to the recent scientific finding about the 'Rh factor' that caused racist to try and deflect a scientific fact. All humans of African descent do not have the 'Rh negative factor' but have the Rh positive factor. But ever so often, this Rh- does show up in White Europeans. So when a female with the Rh- becomes pregnant with a father that is Rh+, she has to undergo a lot of testing to protect the unborn fetus. Because mostly all modern humans have the ABO blood group and the Rh+, then only racist White people put out false stories about Africans and monkeys having a common ancestor to deflect the modern finding about the rh- factor that only shows up in the White races at times.
So therefore, this thread about biology and the bible is crucial because it will shed light on how 'blackness' and melanin does affect the modern human 'race' because without the bible, you will not understand how White Supremacy has led many to put out lies about humans today as oppose to the primitive mankind.
The rh(-) Negative factor is not part of 'black DNA'! However when early humans intermixed with primitive humans, this issue came about. A female with the rh- factor's baby would immediately abort because the rh+ father's blood became poison to the fetus. The females body would immediately develop antibodies that was passed into her placenta and cause the fetus to abort. And this DNA material will remain with the female even if she became pregnant again with the rh+ father and affect the second male fetus.
The Rh-negative blood type can pose risks during pregnancy,
including increasing the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth in the
second or third trimester. Nowadays, women with a negative blood
group are preventively given the Rho GAM injection, to reduce the risk involved.
... If you are Rh-negative and your baby is Rh-positive, there is a high chance
that your body will develop antibodies to protect itself from its perceived
'foreign body'. This can be harmful to your baby and potentially lead to pregnancy loss.
Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the finger bone showed it to be genetically distinct from the mtDNAs of Neanderthals and modern humans. Subsequent study of the nuclear genome from this specimen suggests that Denisovans shared a common origin with Neanderthals, that they ranged from Siberia to Southeast Asia, and that they lived among and interbred with the ancestors of some modern humans. A comparison with the genome of a Neanderthal from the same cave revealed significant local interbreeding with local Neanderthal DNA representing 17% of the Denisovan genome, while evidence was also detected of interbreeding with an as yet unidentified ancient human lineage.