Black People : Melanin Time and Pulling from the Ethers

All the time...

Have you all ever had an experience in your life where you were in the "melanin time" or "pulled from the ethers or seen it happen second hand?

Being in that "Zone" sense of space or time, only here and now...feels like a perpetual deja vu, eternal "freestyle"...

Just things coming to me as a whim that I act on, most times a bit predictive, so I can't even call them reflexes. It's something that I'm so used to, it's no longer surprising. Just trusting my intuition...There's been occasions where it saved my life, or the life of another, at the least keeping them from injury. On an everyday level, people tell me I walk like my feet don't touch the ground, that's when I'm there, tuned in like gravity don't exist...Or just so happen to pick up the phone for "no reason", then it rings in my hand, usually a person who I thought about within the last 1-2 minutes (was three times in the last 3 days, after a 1 day fast)...Taking tests/exams that I didn't bother to study for, and intuitively answering and hitting the right answers getting back to back A's...Changing lanes right before that car "out of nowhere" came whizzing by doing 70 to make the green light, all the while never looked in the rearview or side mirrors til after the for seeing it 2nd hand, you can feel that vibe coming off of people in the zone, & it puts you there..probably a bad example, but I knew a Black Man who was on his grind so hard, could literally smell the police coming, and was NEVER wrong!!! You could feel his aura before he walked into a house, let alone a room...

Almost every job I've had, whatever the task, after a few months, weeks, or even days, I can do it without thinking about it, just "comes natural". I especially feel that zone when i'm writing, or working on music, & my better works come from that..If I had to rewrite/remake whatever I do when I'm zoned, couldn't do it for all the $ in the mint...

It's all the power of the subconscious mind. The conscious mind it only about 10% of our total awareness (which is why I never take the 10% on face value)..that other 90 just has to be accessed to keep you moving @ Right Angles..One things about being in the zone, fear & doubt simply do not exist, and they'll bring you out of it quicker than anything else

hope this makes sense, a bit sleepy as I type...:Zzz:

Have you all ever had an experience in your life where you were in the "melanin time" or "pulled from the ethers or seen it happen second hand?

Yes, I have. Sometimes it happens while I'm playin ball (I taught Jordan everything he knows.... about ballin that is), while I'm doing tasks as AllahUniversal described, and even while playing a video game. Straight Zone.

And after I cool off, I can't do it anymore and even wonder how I did it in the first place.

I only wish I knew how to turn it on and off. Then, it would be off the chain!
yes the zone

We have all seen it, we may have even all experienced it, in sports they call it "on fire", or "in the zone".

[Youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/Youtube]

In Michael Jordan's words: The baskets just got more round, it was like shooting into the ocean. Hmmmmmm

But we don't just see it in sports and in music, we also see it in academics, food preparation, dancing, we see it happen in times of trouble, we see it come through in times of love, we see it even when someone is running from the cops, we see it everywhere. We have all heard of the mother picking up the car unconsciously to save her child.

I know everyone remembers soul train:

[Youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/Youtube]

Some of the best dances came up through there and sometimes when you ask the people to do a certain dance again, they say they can't. This ain't scripted.

But...Its that divine creativity and intervention of the soul or what some calling pulling from the inner and outer ethers. By nature black people have been known to be creative, intuitive, and have the ability to "take it there". Whether this comes in the form of creating something new, defying gravity as Michael Jordan and others do, or just simply doing something magnificent that you may not have known you could do.

Have you all ever had an experience in your life where you were in the "melanin time" or "pulled from the ethers or seen it happen second hand?

The zone so to speak in my opinion is when one is fully consciouness however since they are no longer operating as the illusionary self they appear to be to most unconsciouness or asleep or of his mind etc, when in actuality there is only one mind that of amen(the hidden). The majority of the time we are out of the zone or out of our mind. That is the purpose of external things to bring us out of our selves. That is why that moment that precious moment when u hear nothing see nothing but are aware of everything. every movement as if it were a slide show in slow motion. In the zone the illusion of motion is no more the illusion of sound is no more only the moment is here because the moment is all that was every her to begin with. Now on to the physcial. Yes melanin plays a vital role in perception of the energy known as the zone. Flight and movement take advance mathamatical calucaltions as well as phenomial sensory perception. once cannot naviagate in an enviorment if there senses are imparied . melanin is as electromagnetic energy conducter , coils in our hair our electromagnetic energy conducters to. This is why some folks dont have"rythum" because they perception equipment is imparied. If u dont have an good amp your going to cook your radio or speakers. HMMMMMMM i wander who cooks when they perceive to much electromagnetic energy at one time! hotep

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YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
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