What up bruh? Do you feel that asking these questions should be in lieu of just learning about each other? Cause a person could say anything in answer to these and even give truthful all the right answers and still the relationship could flop. I think some of them are good questions that any sane person would either ask or just come up in convo. But some would make me bolt thinkin the person askin was touched.
BTW #10 is the egm. Thats
my absolute
deal killer
Think of it this way...you're in school learning about what is called "American History". You don't ask any questions or only a very few. No books in this class. You just kinda show up and talk to other students and the teacher to mkake your assumptions about how things work and kinda see how they react to being in a class about "American History". Then the test comes up. You ain't gonna pass.
This is how we manage getting to know each other. In direct answer to your question, yes, the list of questions are just questions that many people have compiled over a period of 5 years of the questions that are most important for them to know that are used in their process to get to know other people. In the process of getting to know someone there are things that people need to know and things that people would like to know. The longer we date a person the more comfortable we become with that person and the number of questions become fewer and fewer because the number of things we'd like to know become fewer and fewer and the number of things we need to know become fewer and fewer the more confortable we get with that person. If we tell ourselves the truth. Then the test comes up.
Imagine going in for a job with no resume and without filling out an application. You're just gonna hang around the job site and become comfortable with the people there and they become comfortable with you then they'll start paying you. Doesn't really matter as long as all of you are "together". Yeah...right! That is not the way it works, you hafta answer some very important questions that are important for them to know and you'd better have some questions of your own that are important for you to know. Otherwise you could find yourself working 60 hours a week and only getting paid for 40. No questions, just gonna hang out with the people there and you end up working 20 free hours a week. That's the test. Shoulda asked questions...all of the questions you could think of.
The questions are just part of the process for building a relationship with a life-long partner.
If a person is not interested in building a life-long partnership why ask that many questions anyway? Just make some arrangements for sex and get to it. Why ask that many questions anyway if your objective is sexual intercourse? Unless you are planning on deceiving someone. You will end up deceiving yourself if you play that game long enough...and many of us do this. Just tell the person what you want and get to it. During my existence there have been females who have approached me that told me they just wanted sexual intercourse. They actually said that out of their mouths. And they were attractive!!!
But if a person is interested in building a life-long partnership with someone (male and female) there are certain things they are going to want to know and they may not know all of the things they need to know at the beginning. This list can probably help them in that regard as well. But there are some things people just gotta know to ask that they can NOT afford to wait to solve when the subject reaches problem status. By then it could be too late.
This is just part of the process....asking questions. You also have to spend time with the person to see if what they say matches what they do. If you don't have what they say because you didn't ask them enough questions then it is just you interpreting what they person does to be what you think it is...not what it actually means to the person doing it. And many of us make that kind of misjudgement on a daily basis. You have to know what they think it is and the best way to know that is to ask. What it means to the person performing the action whatever the action is they are performing...you hafta know what it means to them. That way you are NOT interpreting something incorrectly.
Most of the people reading this will still get themselves into situations where they are saying "I didn't know" in the process of splittin' up. But if a substantial number of non-white females begin to use this technique and be able to explain to the non-white males why it is important, that would solve a lot of relationship problems between non-white males and non-white females overnight because any black male...who is really a black male...is gonna follow black females. No need for a lotta jumping up and down, screaming and shouting, cussing each other out, punching and kicking...just talking about what is important and why and moving toward and UNDERSTANDING of what is expected and how things are going to work in the life-long partnership they are building.