- Oct 19, 2013
- 353
- 153
Universities don't deal with the religious line(s)
It has more to do with learning the culture. This can best be taught by competent and respected leaders in those institutions. No sellouts
Universities don't deal with the religious line(s)
...University is the prime place where you can get a credential associated with any religion. Then all you have to do is find a University who will hire you. Most people go to college with no intent. There fore they don't get the education that they need. They get what is available or close. You can do infinitely better with a degree that you design and you get qualified mentors to grade it and cooperate with University professors on degree requirements. You also pay for that.Universities don't deal with the religious line(s)
...now that I read your comment closer I see that you may be talking about College level?
Depends on the school and their history.
Always listening and learning...
Black Studies is usually loaded with references to the Civil Rights, the Black Power Movements and even the Black Arts Movement.
It's a dated era that is important, but it needs to go beyond the US...
We are diaspora people.
Also important is the loss of the Arts, drumming and a true connection to regional / tribal history...rather than a romantic one.
Your personal opinions...
Let's just agree to disagree about that too...
Originally my first thought from memory was...(1st comment)...it'll never happen...I've been teaching for some decades and you can't even mention meditation in some schools without having a religious protest from some parent who is against Religion in Schools...
Some folks reveal their resistance to change and growth...
...We are a fundamentally religious people historically.
I agree...
Knowledge of this tradition says a lot about our history because we African Americans, So. American, Caribbean Hispanics, Caribbean Africans, and Cubans all have a similar or the same genetic root.
I agree with that too...
...the problem in America is that many of us buy into the negativity that places Africans against African Americans and vice versa.
Not true of all of us...
But true of too many of our various relatives etc...
No one really knows what we will become 100 years from now...then we will have 250 years in "peak" Slavery and 250 years out of Slavery.
The Jews lost 6 million in their genocide. They are not over it yet and it hasn't been nearly 150 years.
...no one can say how soon a race should recover from such barbarity.
There are 150 years of institutional affectation for us and backlash from the other side.
Please do stay on topic...
Whites will never be secure with a growing race who has a mission to over come.
That's their problem!!
...Orisha is a religion ( and way of life ) that is about survival and renewal...theology and philosophy, medicine and creativity...it is about being reborn.
Back on topic...
...funny thing ( not so funny )...Muslims and Christians would consider Orisha to be demonic - outside of Africa.
Your personal opinions...
Present more veriable facts etc...
In W. Africa Muslims and Orisha practitioners live side by side
. Orisha there in the cradle is considered to be an Islamisized ( may not be a proper word ) culture.
In W. Africa and around the world, Orisha ritual specialists have their biggest support among the Christian and Muslims...
Many of the New World practitioners are Catholic Yoruba...which doesn't exist in Africa.
You claim a lot of things!
...Orisha has every metaphysical attraction from Wicca to Voudun to Ghanian Akan Religion, to Pentacostalists, to Rastas to Buddists.
About 30 years ago I met a Muslim Brother just out of prison and he had a Kufi and Muslim Robe on with Elekes which are the sacred beads of the Deities.
It's also about our young black students choices of the private and public colleges they attend too..
...thanks for the analysis...one might think that I was actually addressing you...Any good teacher takes refresher courses...