Black Astrology : Leo and Sexual Compatibility...

Leo and Sexual Compatibility

You are very passionate and can find permanent sexual bliss with one of the air signs – Libra, Aquarius or Gemini. Leo radiates physical magnetism, and has the capacity to enliven his or her mate. The flamboyant, enthusiastic Leo exuberance is contagious to Libra or Gemini. Leo can ignite the passion of Gemini, and Gemini can cool the white-heat intensity of Leo excesses. The sign of The Twins can tune in on The Lion’s needs and desires...

Libra can give Leo the feeling of being totally adored, which puts him or her right where every Leo wants to be – the center of attention. Each can supply what the other needs in order to make an exciting and pleasing union. Aquarius is not physical enough for the passionate lion or lioness, but makes an excellent admirer or jester in King Leo’s court. However, in some cases the Leo fire has been known to kindle in the Aquarian a passion beyond his or her wildest dreams!

If you want to be happily mated, avoid a partnership with another fire sign or any of the earth signs. Aries will insist that Leo be submissive and obedient, which, of course, is impossible. Sagittarius would want to take the lead and is too independent. Taurus would be too stubborn, and Virgo would play the waiting game, which a Leo would find intolerable. Capricorn is too slow for Leo, who demands immediate action and gratification...

Water, of course, puts out fire. Cancer deplores Leo’s need for constant acclaim and is frightened by the Leo tendency to excesses. With a Scorpio, the most passionate sign in the zodiac, there would be constant power struggles. Pisces will try to please, but the relationship is usually a stormy one. Pleasure-loving Leo will eventually wander away, leaving a sad and weeping Piscean in the wake...
Aqil--Zodiac Award

Hoteph Aqil:

Blessings, loving and light throughout all creation and beyond.

Thanks for caring and sharing.


If there was a Zodiac Award.

Which Zodiac sign (male & female) would rein as Queen and King of the Zodiac?

What would be the top 5 essence of thiier signs used to determine who gets the Award?

Would it be?

Outstanding personality

May this inquiry excites you to research all the Zodiac signs and post a King and Queen of the Zodiac, and keep in mind, they must be compatible signs.

I am looking forward to your judgement decision.

Continue to be the change the world needs to see.

Goddess IsIs Akkebala
Goddess IsIs said:
Hotep Aqil:

Blessings, loving and light throughout all creation and beyond.

Thanks for caring and sharing.


If there was a Zodiac Award, which zodiac sign (male & female) would rein as King and Queen and of the Zodiac?
You're quite welcome, Goddess. There is no "king" or "queen" of the zodiac...the signs of the zodiac cannot be categorized as such. In astrological parlance the air and fire signs (Libra/Aquarius/Gemini; Aries/Leo/Sagittarius) are called positive, masculine, aggressive and centrifugal in nature. The earth and water signs (Capricorn/Taurus/Virgo; Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces) are called negative, feminine, receptive and centripetal in nature.

Astrology teaches us that man is the Sun and woman is the Moon, and the Moon reflects the light from the Sun. Man represents the Sun, the positive masculine (Aries) principle whose element is fire, therefore creative power. Man is the conscious mind that is contained in the cerebrum, or higher brain...

Woman represents the Moon, the negative feminine (Cancer) principle whose element is water, therefore birth and life (all life began in water). Woman is the subconscious mind that is contained in the cerebellum, or lower brain...

The Moon reflects the light from the Sun because it has no light of its own. Man plants the seed, woman bears the fruit. “Sons of God, daughters of men.” It is the natural order of things.

There is a law of opposites in astrology. Each sign in a pair seeks and is attracted to the qualities of its opposite, yet complementary sign. For example:

Aries wants to obtain the balanced judgment of Libra; Libra desires to have more of the self-direction of Aries. Taurus needs the rejuvenative powers of Scorpio, while Scorpio seeks the inner stability of Taurus. Gemini wishes to develop the breadth of vision embodied in Sagittarius, while Sagittarius searches for the alacrity and methodology of Gemini. Cancer seeks the power, endurance and discipline of Capricorn; while Capricorn seeks the softness and understanding of Cancer. Leo needs the social communicativeness of Aquarius, while Aquarius searches for the individuality and strength of purpose embodied in Leo. Virgo is trying to find the complete selflessness of Pisces, while Pisces desires the ability to discriminate in its self-assertions, as does Virgo...

In addition, each sign of the zodiac is associated with a particular phrase, e.g., Aries says “I am”; Taurus says “I have”; Gemini says “I think”, Cancer says “I feel”; Leo says “I will”; Virgo says “I analyze”; Libra says “I balance”; Scorpio says “I want”; Sagittarius says “ I see”; Capricorn says “I use”; Aquarius says “I know”; and Pisces says “I believe.”

And God's Love is generated in the cardinal signs (Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn); it is concentrated in the fixed signs (Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius); and is distributed by the mutable signs (Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces)...

leo and libra??

i am in love with a libra male. im a leo. we are just friends and he knows i like him and he use to like me, but suddenly he shifted...everytime i talk to him he is whining about what somebody did to him,,,how he got shortchanged...or feeling sorry for himself...he throws these pity parties. he is a musician and incredibley talented but he always seems to be very this common? what can i do as a leo? :angel1:
christos said:
i am in love with a libra male. i'm a leo. we are just friends and he knows i like him and he used to like me, but suddenly he shifted...everytime i talk to him he is whining about what somebody did to he got shortchanged...or feeling sorry for himself...he throws these pity parties. he is a musician and incredibly talented, but he always seems to be very this common?
Yes...Librans are both blessed and cursed as a result of their inherent ability to see both sides of every question. Though this ability makes them valuable as mediators and peacemakers, it often means that they are indecisive and painfully slow in arriving at personal decisions.

christos said:
what can i do as a leo?
You are very passionate and you radiate physical magnetism, and you have the capacity to enliven your mate. The flamboyant, enthusiastic Leo exuberance is contagious to Libra, which can give you the feeling of being totally adored, which puts you right where every Leo wants to be – the center of attention. Each of you can supply what the other needs in order to make an exciting and pleasing union. However, Librans have a tendency to stay in an unhappy relationship simply because they cannot tolerate the discord that arises when they try to put an end to the situation. Although they may be miserable, they will put up with it in order to avoid the emotional turmoil imminent upon the ending of the association.

Librans enjoy being dominated sexually, which Leo adores doing. The dictatorship of true love can be most enjoyable to both parties. Romantic Libra can control the flame of Leo, adjusting its air currents until the flame is just right – not too hot to burn, but warm enough to comfort and inspire.

The influence of Venus (Libra's planetary ruler) confers a love of harmony, peace, and perfected expression. Venus also rules music, which has a special effect on all Librans...

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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