Black Women : LADIES ONLY! Women Who Are Jealous of You

Yes I would evaluate it. I've seen and have had experiences from girls who were mean to me out of jealousy.

My left knee looks like it was chewed up by a pitbull. A girl at a party pushed me down some concrete stairs because I was dating a guy she liked.

So yes, people will mistreat you, be ugly to you because of their jealousy of how you look, what you do, anything...Even if they can get or even if they are pretty themselves (they just have a low-self worth).

I guess that may be partly why i don't view it as jealousy, for to me, that's more a symptom than a cause.

Jealousy is the surface stuff, and i tend to try and look beyond that, deeper.

Like i said above, they probably have greater issues ... much bigger than the supposed surface jealousy ... and my heart goes out to them.

I've never had a physical confrontation with another Sister, and the few verbal ones were clearly indicative of things inside of them, with little to do with me.

With that being the case, it's not about my pretty, or my ugly, or my anything ... it's about them ... and their view of life ... which i have very little, if anything, to do with.

No ... that aint about me ... that's about them ... and i let 'em have it ... without trying to diagnose, evaluate, or pinpoint the real issue they're dealing with.

I do keep my distance though ... give them their space ... cause i don't want the confrontations ... they serve me no good purpose.

I would get closer if i could fix 'em, but i aint no doctor, psychologist, therapist, or nunna that ... all i can do is pray for 'em.

Love You!


Women Who Are Jealous of You

Women are very critical of each other when it comes to hair, makeup, clothes, a man, money, etc. When a woman is staring at you, you can feel her eyes piercing through you. Sometimes you can here some ladies rolling eyes, whispering and cackling in the back of you, saying things like, "She thinks she's cute..." or "Why is he with her? She's not even that pretty."

Or do you find yourself being this type of woman? It's human nature to get jealous or feel slightly envious of something another may have. We've all done it. Women are catty and competitive creatures at heart.

I have heard stories of women doing vicious things to one another out of jealousy. Throwing of acid in the face of a women was one, putting Nair in a shampoo bottle, slashing tires or defacing another woman's property.

I've even had friends who were envious of one another, because of who she was dating and would spread rumors about her in order to destroy the woman's relationship. Only to turn around and date her ex after their relationship ended.

You can ignore it and go about your business; you can smile at them and hope that it cools down all that extra tension; or YOU CAN IGNORE IT.

Some jealous women want to get a rise out of you, and to drag you down to their level.

How do you feel about other jealous women?

What do you do when you start to feel jealous?

Have you ever had a confrontation with a woman (or women) who tried to attack you out of jealousy?

I've never operated in jealousy, instead I have admired other woman and as Sister Destee mentioned, been happy to witness their success. I have recognized jealous women. And when I say jealous women, I'm speaking of those who dwell in this spirit daily..not a sister who may have a weak moment and then pull herself out of it and for the most part, operates outside of it.

I believe that jealous women are still growing into their worth. They do not own who they are yet, for many reasons, so they look for value in other places whether it be things or people. And when they see a confident woman carrying the qualities that they admire, the insecurities rise up and they have a need to search for something negative about her as an attempt to knock her down a few steps and retract the very qualities that they are lacking. Now, often times they carry the same qualities, but override them with this jealous spirit, and so these fruit are unable to mature.

I deal with jealous women by giving them a compliment or I find something to thank them for. It is amazing to see how quickly they will step back and the next interaction we have, when I know the woman, is less tense and responds to me differently. Now women who are jealous, but I don't have an opportunity to communicate with, I pray for them and keep moving. Who knows how many negative comments this jealous woman has heard, so my goal is to cover the negatives with positives.

I try to kill any negativity with kindness and make a lie out of the perceptions being thrown around. I don't take it personal but it can become frustrating with those who are set on defaming you. And for those sisters, I remind myself that the place she is hurting, is deeper than I can speak to..but I know God can give her a heart transplant in due season, so I just continue to sow good seeds and trust a change will occur down the road.
A gone-on Elder used to say to me, "You never know who is looking at/watching you."

.....Jealousy and envy are not always exclusively over so-called "prettiness" or hair/skin color or even physical shape.

Most often these ugly emotions/behaviors come out because there is some trait/characteristic YOU have that they desire in themselves....It may be your out-spoken-ness (spelling-lol)...or even your style of dress or a talent or skill you possess.

You may be that person that other people are drawn to in a crowded room/party...the FUN person, witty....vivacious, etc..

....and, yes, if you're "PRETTY" on top of all that....well, then, they just gotta HATE cha! lol, on the other hand, some women may not be all that "pretty" but they have a certain sex appeal that draws men to them and that makes some other women think, "What's so special about HER?!"

IMO, overall, jealousy and envy comes out when a woman is not "comfortable in her own skin." So, she compare/contrasts herself to other women, always thinking that she comes up "short" somewhere.

The bottom line is low self-esteem/self-worth.
I tend to show jealousy when im with a new guy, and don't know him well enough to see his pattern of friendships with the opposite sex. After thats been shown to my over it. As far as others being jealous of me, I overlook it...they haven't said they were (even tho' they show it)...I try to counter that with actions that show im no threat to them. If its theirs, its their, right? Be it friends, girls or guys, or a very friendly person, who love to have fun with lots of laughter.
Well here in my city Tacky Town Tacoma is the capitol for haterism...

I've been pushed down stairs, had a chick try and throw bleach in my eyes...over a guy they wanted...And both females I didn't know from a can of paint. Jealousy is a mutha.....

The chicks out here don't care if you don't pay them attention, they will come at you any which way they can...They are nuts out here.

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