Yes I would evaluate it. I've seen and have had experiences from girls who were mean to me out of jealousy.
My left knee looks like it was chewed up by a pitbull. A girl at a party pushed me down some concrete stairs because I was dating a guy she liked.
So yes, people will mistreat you, be ugly to you because of their jealousy of how you look, what you do, anything...Even if they can get or even if they are pretty themselves (they just have a low-self worth).
I guess that may be partly why i don't view it as jealousy, for to me, that's more a symptom than a cause.
Jealousy is the surface stuff, and i tend to try and look beyond that, deeper.
Like i said above, they probably have greater issues ... much bigger than the supposed surface jealousy ... and my heart goes out to them.
I've never had a physical confrontation with another Sister, and the few verbal ones were clearly indicative of things inside of them, with little to do with me.
With that being the case, it's not about my pretty, or my ugly, or my anything ... it's about them ... and their view of life ... which i have very little, if anything, to do with.
No ... that aint about me ... that's about them ... and i let 'em have it ... without trying to diagnose, evaluate, or pinpoint the real issue they're dealing with.
I do keep my distance though ... give them their space ... cause i don't want the confrontations ... they serve me no good purpose.
I would get closer if i could fix 'em, but i aint no doctor, psychologist, therapist, or nunna that ... all i can do is pray for 'em.
Love You!