Black Relationships : Lack Of Black Love In The Media

Believe your conspiracy theories if you will. I personally have never propositioned a straight woman, nor have I tried to "turn" anyone else. I believe in allowing others to live their lives, just as I should be allowed to live mine. I don't follow any so-called "gay agenda," and neither does my wife. Just because you all are homophobic doesn't mean you should make up things about the LGBT community.

As for men being forced to be gay by rape in prison or molestation, if they didn't have the inclination in the first place, those events would not make them more likely to be gay, it would make them less likely to be gay. Jeez, listen to yourselves.

I have never practiced the fairy tale called Christianity. I am a Witch, thank you very much. Last time I checked, those Christians and Catholics didn't believe that what everything is created from is a perfect balance of both genders, a perfect balance of light and dark, good and evil, a perfect balance of everything that I happen to refer to as the Source or the All. How could their male god create females? He can't because he is supposedly a male, and does not have female within in order to create it. I believe that in order for a spirit being to create something, first it must have that within it to create it.

I know more about the spirit realms than you ever will. "Gatekeeper" isn't just a screen name. In between incarnations, I have my own spirit realm to run, and the gates between the realms to look after.

The only reason you haven't seen me in the Spirituality forum is because you haven't looked. When I first came to Destee, that was the place I posted most. There, and Relationships.

Oh, boo hoo, I said something about fairies (which, like dragons, exist). You keep harping on that like it's supposed to mean something. I have news for you. It means absolutely nothing.

As for my supposed "love" of white people, I have no idea where you get that from. Just because I accept some white people as some of my friends? Oh well, boo hoo for you and your self-centered beliefs. It is not that I "love" white people as a race, it is that I don't disregard any race just because they aren't like me. That's racist, and I refuse to be like you and the whites that hate blacks and have unreasoning hatred within my heart.
Believe your conspiracy theories if you will.

Ahh, there it is. I was waiting for the magic words to appear. "Conspiracy Theories"..... Booga-booga-booga.....

Yes, because the prison industrial complex is a "conspiracy theory". The numerous people discussing their sex lives, are a "conspiracy theory".

Which one of us believes in "fairies", again?

I personally have never propositioned a straight woman, nor have I tried to "turn" anyone else. I believe in allowing others to live their lives, just as I should be allowed to live mine. I don't follow any so-called "gay agenda," and neither does my wife.

No one's talking about what "YOU" have done. You think that just because you haven't done it, means that no one else has?

I don't smoke crack; that doesn't negate the fact that countless other people do, though.

Just because you all are homophobic doesn't mean you should make up things about the LGBT community.

And there's the other magic word. The imaginary "homophobia" word that doesn't really even mean anything.

"Phobia" is a clinical fear.

The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (of Greek origin: φόβος/φοβία ) occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, disabling fear as a mental disorder

  • Claustrophobia = Fear of closed spaces
  • Acrophobia = Fear of heights.

I don't "fear" homosexuals or homosexuality. I simply don't agree with it. Which is my God-given right to do. But, the new agenda states that anything of theirs that you don't agree with, there must be something wrong with YOU for not going along with it.

As for men being forced to be gay by rape in prison or molestation, if they didn't have the inclination in the first place, those events would not make them more likely to be gay, it would make them less likely to be gay. Jeez, listen to yourselves.

Riiiight. :em3700:

Because NO ONE has ever acted outside of themselves, based on forced trauma. That never happens, right? Right.

I have never practiced the fairy tale called Christianity. I am a Witch, thank you very much. Last time I checked, those Christians and Catholics didn't believe that what everything is created from is a perfect balance of both genders, a perfect balance of light and dark, good and evil, a perfect balance of everything that I happen to refer to as the Source or the All. How could their male god create females? He can't because he is supposedly a male, and does not have female within in order to create it. I believe that in order for a spirit being to create something, first it must have that within it to create it.

A "Witch".... What does that even mean? Something that comes from Europeans. Nothing of African origin.

Modern practices identified by their practitioners as "witchcraft" have grown dramatically since the early 20th century. Generally portrayed as revivals of pre-Christian European ritual and spirituality, they are understood to involve varying degrees of magic, shamanism, folk medicine, spiritual healing, calling on elementals and spirits, veneration of ancient deities and archetypes, and attunement with the forces of nature.

The first Neopagan groups to publicly appear, during the 1950s and 60s, were Gerald Gardner's Bricket Wood coven and Roy Bowers' Clan of Tubal Cain. They operated as initiatory secret societies. Other individual practitioners and writers such as Paul Huson[124] also claimed inheritance to surviving traditions of witchcraft.[125]

Wicca (English pronunciation: /ˈwɪkə/) is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and it was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. It draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice. The word witch derives from Middle English wicche, Old English wicce (/ˈwɪttʃe/) (feminine) "witch" and wicca (/ˈwɪttʃɑ/) (masculine) "wizzard".[1]

Everything about you points back to White people, and the sad thing is you don't even see it. White Fairies, White Anime, white men, white religious beliefs....

Nothing about you represents Blackness, and definitely not Black Love. You've been thoroughly White Washed.... Clorox couldn't have done a better job.

I bet you wear the Pentagram, and all those other White European Talismans too, don't you? I see you have something around your neck in your picture, but I can't quite make out what it is. I'm sure its nothing of African origin, though.

I know more about the spirit realms than you ever will.

Yeah, okay. Good luck with that. The Spiritual realm that you commune with, is DEFINITELY not the one I commune with.

"Gatekeeper" isn't just a screen name. In between incarnations, I have my own spirit realm to run, and the gates between the realms to look after.

Yeah, I know what "Gatekeeper" means, but I didn't want to make assumptions about what YOU think it means. But now that you've basically admitted it, I am now free to speak on it.

That "Gatekeeper" stuff is the same madness that the LGBT community has tried to push upon African Consciousness for the past few years now. That "twin spirit" stuff is a buncha bull.

But yeah, have fun running those "realms"... The white one, and..... The other white one. I'm sure those Anime Fairies with the long blonde fur that you love stroking are mising you, and wondering when you are gonna come back to Fairy-Land, away from all of us Black Heathens.

The only reason you haven't seen me in the Spirituality forum is because you haven't looked. When I first came to Destee, that was the place I posted most. There, and Relationships.

Yes, and the reason you haven't looked, is because you know there's gonna be something there that you won't like. You and Tinkerbell, Toothy, and the other Fairies.

We deal in African Centered Consciousness and Spirituality, not that stuff from Grimm's Fairtales, of witches and Fairies, that you've signed onto.

Oh, boo hoo, I said something about fairies (which, like dragons, exist). You keep harping on that like it's supposed to mean something. I have news for you. It means absolutely nothing.

LMAO. Fairies exist. But you're right, that means absolutely NOTHING. The first correct thing you've said all day.

As for my supposed "love" of white people, I have no idea where you get that from.

Yeah, now I wonder where I could have POSSIBLY gotten that from.... :thinking:

Just because I accept some white people as some of my friends? Oh well, boo hoo for you and your self-centered beliefs. It is not that I "love" white people as a race, it is that I don't disregard any race just because they aren't like me. That's racist, and I refuse to be like you and the whites that hate blacks and have unreasoning hatred within my heart.

Right. You'll just have unreasoning love for white folks and all they represent in your heart.

Have fun with that.
Notice how we get hit with the "homophobic" label in a thread about the lack of Black Love in the media.

No surprises there!

Indeed. This is an excellent exercise, though.... It helps us to deal with the deep-seeded levels of White Supremacy in the minds of our people, as we might encounter it/them.
Indeed it does!

I mentioned my "White Blood Cell" theory not long ago.... In further study of parasites, most parasitic entities are so subversive, that they take over the host, and the host goes along with absolutely no knowledge that they've been co-opted. They just wake up one day, doing the will of the entity that dwells inside them, without even knowing why.

And the entity would rather kill the host, rather than allow itself to be separated from it. It's like, "if I can't have it, then nobody can".
SAMURAI36 ... Deleted member 49553

Do i see fighting in this thread ... more pointedly, rule violations ... name calling ... personalizing the discussion ... making it about a Member ... attacking folk's life choices ... do i see that ... ?? ... i aint look'n hard ... 'cause it's a long thread wit a lotta posts ... but if anyone sees something they feel is a violation of any of our 13 Rules ... please report the post that contains the possible violation ... and i will address it immediately.

No one has to defend their life choices, or be attacked because of them.

If that is happening ... holla at yo gurl ... :nails:



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