Hey true
it's time for me to come back on this topic.
Just to summerize a little of what I understood you to say:
Labeling is a process of identification. Certain characteristics support given labels. The 'labeler' is usually the observer, and not the 'label-ee' (is that a word? haha) You also say it is likely unacceptable, i.e. not ok, to label oneself - which gives you pause for thought. Yet at the same time you believe in the principles of self determination - that one should be able to label oneself.
My thoughts are vast on this topic (hence the time it's taken for me to respond as I wasnt certain which aspect I wanted to address) but as I listened to your video again this evening, it became clear within the first minute -
the label you've given yourself a Woman of Afrikan Descent. That struck a chord.
I agree - the labeler is the observer. In this eurocentric language, we started off as non human, savages, barbaric slow witted sub species - as we became more "useful" eventually became labeled bushmen, bantu's, kaffirs, negroes, coloureds, Blacks.. we have used/accepted these labels ourselves over time - reinforcing them - but we never created them. Sure, we put "afro" in front of some
nationalities .. but I've always had... difficulty... understanding that contradiction
(topic for another day - haha)
I agree - certain characteristics support given labels. hmmmm You can be sure there was little positive in these labels we were 'given' - yet, we have used/accepted these labels ourselves over time - reinforcing them - but we never created them. Have we also adopted the charactertics? Like a mentally abused child, do we accept the label and all it encompasses without even being aware of it? I dare to suggest that we do. (another topic for another day)
Question: Why have we never been labeled Afrikan? Answer: The euro have done everything to make us disassociate with the land, remove us, isolate us - so they could pillage and plunder our land. They succeeded.
What you and I call ourselves - is our identity. We cant mess around with that. As long as we continue to claim and accept the wrong label (identity), we will have no power and there will be no self determination. Without self deternimation we will always be taking someone elses path, not our own - therefore we cannot succeed.
Power of the label is enormous.
I am an Afrikan - as are you. This is the most powerful label we can give ourselves as it is forever.
What I would like to know from you, truetothecause, is why do you add the Descent?
Talk to me, sister!