Kids Address Alternative Facts For Black History Month [Video]
Ms Drea Moderator MODERATOR Oct 16, 2004 816 469 Illinois Occupation Educator Feb 15, 2017 Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Copy link #6
sekou kasimu PanAfrikanist Revolutionary REGISTERED MEMBER Apr 12, 2013 3,276 870 Baltimore, Maryland Occupation Retired Ironworker Feb 15, 2017 Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Copy link #7 Ms Drea said: Click to expand... Here we go again! Can one be pro-black and married to a white man like Nina Simone was? How would a child see it?
Ms Drea said: Click to expand... Here we go again! Can one be pro-black and married to a white man like Nina Simone was? How would a child see it?