- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
By Chief Elder Osiris
Beloved, White Racism has caused Obama to Compromise himself, by his taking the bait and allowing himself to be dragged into the Cancer that eats at the Spirit of America, Which is RACE, And Its Americans Attributes, Injustice, Unjustified Prejudice, and Racial Discrimination.
Beloved, the Democratic Primary has grown to be more than about Obama Candidacy, it now is about the self respect and integrity of Black People in America and Every Where we Are, on this Planet, so move away from your America Political Fantasy World and Observe how White Folks are Playing Obama as if he is their Violin, I know many of you do not Want to here this Divine Truth, but A Black Person locked in the Caste of Want, has no Respect for self, so how can you have respect for a Black Nation gone Delusional and Divided, moving in Life caring only about our Vain Black Selves, meaning, not being Proud about our Blackness, which is no longer a value we desire, amongst the Black so call Afrikan American.
Beloved, what I am about to share with you in term of what we Black People need to do, which is first for us to show some self Respect in America and secondly, to show some anger toward White folks of power behavior, for the way they are attempting to demean a Young Black Man, he being a candidate for President of America, no doubt confused about his Life Direction he should take in America, that would best serve himself and the Nation of his Father, a Nation for Millenniums that have been exploited, and deceived as well, having been disrespected by the Trinity of Ethnic Evil, Namely, People referring to themselves as Caucasian Jewish People, Arabs Caucasian People and the European Caucasian People, People with a History of Abusing, Lying, and Deceiving Divine Black ( Heavy Melanin ) People.
Beloved, nothing I would desire more, than for you to show me to be wrong, about the level of your Docile Complancency in America, by not allowing your Ego to get into your way, in order to keep you from doing what is needed for you to do, in order to send a compelling statement to the fraternity of Lucifer, the profane Spiritual deliverer of Racism toward and against the Black World.
Tell me beloved, do you not see what those White Minds of Evil is doing to Obama, have you not notice how they keep raising the Bar of their acceptance to Obama and that is for him only to have the opportunity to become a candidate for the Presidency of America, they have informed Obama of the Price he has to pay, to only be, for him to be taken seriously to be considered to become the Democratic Nominee, which he has yet to have a lock on, and I take the overt and open arrogance of the way they are Playing Obama, Personal, because it is a direct swipe at Black People, sending a message to our Children that if you desire to compete for a slice of the America stale Pie, you must be willing to forsake all self Respect, Integrity, and an admittance of who we are as Black People in America, in other words, we must be willing to turn over our Black Life completely in the presence of Black People, turn it over to White People of Power, and I do not know about you, but I resent the Methods they are using in Playing Obama, as for as I am concerned, the Price is to high, in order to maintain a resemblance of Self Respect and to be Self Sovereign.
It seem as if Black folks is taking it as something to be proud of if we can trace our mother violation by White men to that Lineage and it appear as if white folks are tracing Obams Lineage in order to see who it is that is White that Obama is akin to, as if that will be his right of passage to be accepted to be some trust worthy, and we accept those tactics without objection. what pitiful black so call Afrikans we have become in America.
Now, what do I mean about it is Time for us to return to the Spirit that was displayed by Black People in the Sixties and Seventies with our Goal being different, today.
In 1972, Black People Held one of the most compelling Convention that was organized by Black People and was controlled by Black People, not that White Folks played no part in the rise of such an action by Black Folks, but the fact is, after white Folks put their Money into making that Convention a Reality, the Convention took on a Character and Spirit of its own and that Character and Spirit was that of a Black Nationalist, that Convention was known as the Black Political Convention of 1972, if my Memory serve me correctly, I know because I was there, I was the Chairman of the Orlando Chapter of the Congress Of Racial Equality ( CORE ) Led By at that Time, Roy Innis, not the Roy Innis you see and know of today, he is a changed individual and can serve as a good example of how America can Effect and Change you, if your want to be accepted by White People of Power.
So No Beloved, I do not need to read about the activities of the Sixties and Seventies or to depend upon Lying so call Black Leaders to give me a Commentary about that Time, I am a part of that Time, I am the Make up of that History, actively, because you see, it was the Chapter which I was the Leader of, that carried and Led the Fight to the Convention Floor, fighting at that Time against the Integration of our Schools and Mass Busing, so no beloved, I am more than about Talk and what I share with you is about what I know, and not believe, based on something I have read coming from White Folks books.
Now, my point and appeal to you is this, based on the Energy Surge I am getting, White Folks of Power is having Second thoughts about Obama, but as they were from the out-set, involved in the 72 Black Political Convention, and it got away from them, because we were able to get the convention to pass a resolution against Busing Integration, but the Afrikan American Integrationist were able, after the convention to manage a change in the People that attended that convention wishes, so you see, the Afrikan American Integrationist can not be Trusted to act in the best interest of the Majority of Black People in America, so it is the case seemly with the Obama Primary Candidacy, it seem as if White Power that lies beyond the overt political shenanigans, are considering to undo what they have allowed to unfold concerning Obama.
So Beloved, if black people in America is to ever rise, and we are to get our act together, now is the time for another Black Political Convention, so that we Black Folks can set our own agenda concerning what our goal must be and what we are to do to achieve the Goal that will be set by Black Folks in attendance, at the organized Political Black convention, absent of the America style Politics, so, such in my opinion, is what is needed, so we Black Folks once and for all, can and will set an agenda that will be about Black folks Freedom away from America, and this will be entirely different from a Tavis Smiley State of the Union of African American gathering.
So if Obama is the Democratic Nominee or not, A Black Political Convention is in Order, and if Obama is the Democratic Nominee, a Black Political convention is in order, because this will be a convention about securing our freedom, and it is Time for the Forgotten Black People in America to have a Voice, expressing their needs and desires, as well as hearing entirely different information about themselves and America, from that which the established Black Leaders have always Fed us, telling us what is best for our Lives in America.
So Beloved, I have Put forth a challenge to You, So What Are You Going To do ?
Be Kind
Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of You
Chief Elder Osiris
The First Way Institute Of black ( Afrikan ) mysticism/Repatriation/Reparation
By Chief Elder Osiris
Beloved, White Racism has caused Obama to Compromise himself, by his taking the bait and allowing himself to be dragged into the Cancer that eats at the Spirit of America, Which is RACE, And Its Americans Attributes, Injustice, Unjustified Prejudice, and Racial Discrimination.
Beloved, the Democratic Primary has grown to be more than about Obama Candidacy, it now is about the self respect and integrity of Black People in America and Every Where we Are, on this Planet, so move away from your America Political Fantasy World and Observe how White Folks are Playing Obama as if he is their Violin, I know many of you do not Want to here this Divine Truth, but A Black Person locked in the Caste of Want, has no Respect for self, so how can you have respect for a Black Nation gone Delusional and Divided, moving in Life caring only about our Vain Black Selves, meaning, not being Proud about our Blackness, which is no longer a value we desire, amongst the Black so call Afrikan American.
Beloved, what I am about to share with you in term of what we Black People need to do, which is first for us to show some self Respect in America and secondly, to show some anger toward White folks of power behavior, for the way they are attempting to demean a Young Black Man, he being a candidate for President of America, no doubt confused about his Life Direction he should take in America, that would best serve himself and the Nation of his Father, a Nation for Millenniums that have been exploited, and deceived as well, having been disrespected by the Trinity of Ethnic Evil, Namely, People referring to themselves as Caucasian Jewish People, Arabs Caucasian People and the European Caucasian People, People with a History of Abusing, Lying, and Deceiving Divine Black ( Heavy Melanin ) People.
Beloved, nothing I would desire more, than for you to show me to be wrong, about the level of your Docile Complancency in America, by not allowing your Ego to get into your way, in order to keep you from doing what is needed for you to do, in order to send a compelling statement to the fraternity of Lucifer, the profane Spiritual deliverer of Racism toward and against the Black World.
Tell me beloved, do you not see what those White Minds of Evil is doing to Obama, have you not notice how they keep raising the Bar of their acceptance to Obama and that is for him only to have the opportunity to become a candidate for the Presidency of America, they have informed Obama of the Price he has to pay, to only be, for him to be taken seriously to be considered to become the Democratic Nominee, which he has yet to have a lock on, and I take the overt and open arrogance of the way they are Playing Obama, Personal, because it is a direct swipe at Black People, sending a message to our Children that if you desire to compete for a slice of the America stale Pie, you must be willing to forsake all self Respect, Integrity, and an admittance of who we are as Black People in America, in other words, we must be willing to turn over our Black Life completely in the presence of Black People, turn it over to White People of Power, and I do not know about you, but I resent the Methods they are using in Playing Obama, as for as I am concerned, the Price is to high, in order to maintain a resemblance of Self Respect and to be Self Sovereign.
It seem as if Black folks is taking it as something to be proud of if we can trace our mother violation by White men to that Lineage and it appear as if white folks are tracing Obams Lineage in order to see who it is that is White that Obama is akin to, as if that will be his right of passage to be accepted to be some trust worthy, and we accept those tactics without objection. what pitiful black so call Afrikans we have become in America.
Now, what do I mean about it is Time for us to return to the Spirit that was displayed by Black People in the Sixties and Seventies with our Goal being different, today.
In 1972, Black People Held one of the most compelling Convention that was organized by Black People and was controlled by Black People, not that White Folks played no part in the rise of such an action by Black Folks, but the fact is, after white Folks put their Money into making that Convention a Reality, the Convention took on a Character and Spirit of its own and that Character and Spirit was that of a Black Nationalist, that Convention was known as the Black Political Convention of 1972, if my Memory serve me correctly, I know because I was there, I was the Chairman of the Orlando Chapter of the Congress Of Racial Equality ( CORE ) Led By at that Time, Roy Innis, not the Roy Innis you see and know of today, he is a changed individual and can serve as a good example of how America can Effect and Change you, if your want to be accepted by White People of Power.
So No Beloved, I do not need to read about the activities of the Sixties and Seventies or to depend upon Lying so call Black Leaders to give me a Commentary about that Time, I am a part of that Time, I am the Make up of that History, actively, because you see, it was the Chapter which I was the Leader of, that carried and Led the Fight to the Convention Floor, fighting at that Time against the Integration of our Schools and Mass Busing, so no beloved, I am more than about Talk and what I share with you is about what I know, and not believe, based on something I have read coming from White Folks books.
Now, my point and appeal to you is this, based on the Energy Surge I am getting, White Folks of Power is having Second thoughts about Obama, but as they were from the out-set, involved in the 72 Black Political Convention, and it got away from them, because we were able to get the convention to pass a resolution against Busing Integration, but the Afrikan American Integrationist were able, after the convention to manage a change in the People that attended that convention wishes, so you see, the Afrikan American Integrationist can not be Trusted to act in the best interest of the Majority of Black People in America, so it is the case seemly with the Obama Primary Candidacy, it seem as if White Power that lies beyond the overt political shenanigans, are considering to undo what they have allowed to unfold concerning Obama.
So Beloved, if black people in America is to ever rise, and we are to get our act together, now is the time for another Black Political Convention, so that we Black Folks can set our own agenda concerning what our goal must be and what we are to do to achieve the Goal that will be set by Black Folks in attendance, at the organized Political Black convention, absent of the America style Politics, so, such in my opinion, is what is needed, so we Black Folks once and for all, can and will set an agenda that will be about Black folks Freedom away from America, and this will be entirely different from a Tavis Smiley State of the Union of African American gathering.
So if Obama is the Democratic Nominee or not, A Black Political Convention is in Order, and if Obama is the Democratic Nominee, a Black Political convention is in order, because this will be a convention about securing our freedom, and it is Time for the Forgotten Black People in America to have a Voice, expressing their needs and desires, as well as hearing entirely different information about themselves and America, from that which the established Black Leaders have always Fed us, telling us what is best for our Lives in America.
So Beloved, I have Put forth a challenge to You, So What Are You Going To do ?
Be Kind
Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of You
Chief Elder Osiris
The First Way Institute Of black ( Afrikan ) mysticism/Repatriation/Reparation