A single White mother's rage while raising her Black (bi racial) kids
Staff Writer
.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .
Do single White mothers have a difficult life in America or is it all gravy not be a descendent of slavery? Well, it may be good for some single White mothers in American but, some White mothers that have bi racial kids. Life can be very difficult.
A Brief interview with a single White mother with Bi racial kids
What problems or obstacles have you faced being a single White mother to Black children that your birth?
Staff Writer
.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .
Do single White mothers have a difficult life in America or is it all gravy not be a descendent of slavery? Well, it may be good for some single White mothers in American but, some White mothers that have bi racial kids. Life can be very difficult.
A Brief interview with a single White mother with Bi racial kids
What problems or obstacles have you faced being a single White mother to Black children that your birth?