is khallid was rigth?are we slaves of "fantasy world"
?I don't say that i don't believe in some kinds teachings wich deal with metaphysics,but some people are going to far,in my view.
Brother Seneb ... Thank You Thank You Thank You !!!!
They killed him ... yall know they killed this Man !!!
I mentioned in another post, how all of this "meta physical" kinda talk ... is similar to what we've been given in the past ... requiring us to believe stuff that we can't see ... more pie in the sky (or in the ground) talk ... while ignoring the fact that our people continue to die and be mistreated, right before our eyes!
It just does not make sense to me. How can we overlook the dying right before our eyes, for that which our eyes can't see?!
I don't even know what meta physical means ... someone told me before ... but even the definition of it, didn't stick with me ... what is it ... spookizm ? ... gosh ... haven't we had enough of that already?
I'm more than willing to understand it ... striving to do so ... it's just that no one has been able to help me do that. Even when i say this, admit my lack of understanding ... i'm then told, well ... you've got to believe it for yourself, search it for yourself, know it for yourself ... discouraging my questions ... yet there are those here, claiming to know it well ... but can't teach it to those of us that do not know, in a manner that we can understand ... and this is the route to our people's collective freedom ?!!
Something is mighty wrong.
Thank You Brother Seneb for sharing this wonderful video of our Beloved Ancestor!