Black Spirituality Religion : Is God Adversarial?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
Dogville, USA
Agent Of Change
NOTE: I split this discussion off "The Science of the Dogon" thread.

Music Producer said:
Well, I am a long time study and know for a fact you can not mix a monotheistic ideology and a polytheistic ideology because the polytheistic side eventually tries to replace the Supreme Being / Amma.
Is it polytheism vs. monotheism, or is it that adherents of all religions tend to assume that their religion has the only "real" truth?

How does GOD become a representation of evil (Seth) in later Egyptian ideology?
God, as the Creator of All, has to be the source of both Heru and Seth, of both Jesus and Satan, of both good and bad.

You don’t seem to understand that GOD created forces / energies to act adversarial in the game. The job of these adversarial forces is to separate humans between those that serve the Supreme Being only and those that do not.
God is the the Force from which all other forces/energies/matter are manifest. For him to be against any thing would be the same as him being against himself. Which is not possible because, unlike Bobby Brown, God ain't bipolar. Unfortunately, most religions are hopelessly dual and, hence, teach that God will punish the evil doers. And, of course, the evil doers are always the Other, not the Us.

Mt:6:24: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Mt. 6:24 is a concise, elegant, statement of the inevitable result of rejecting the non-dual nature of the universe. We are, all of us, not two, but one. We are not whites and blacks. We are, all, indivisible children of the One God. If we insist of seeing the world as dual, as blacks vs. whites, as us vs. them, we will end up hating them and them will end up despising us.

Immediately before Mt. 6:24, Jesus states "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light". If you have not been properly taught what non-duality is, you will not get that "thine eye be single" means to see the world as non-dual, as One.

Even more relevant, consider what Jesus says in the rest of the Sermon on the Mount about "Blessed are the peacemakers" [Mt 5:8], "resist not evil" [Mt 5:39], and "love your enemies" [Mt. 5:44].

The God of Jesus is not the angry, adversarial, vengeful, wrathful, jealous god of the Old Testament. The God of Jesus [keeping in mind that Jesus _is_ Ausar and Heru] is all about love, peace, and unity -- not vengeance, punishment, and wrath.

Vengeance is the LORDs
No, vengeance is a false idol which man has engraved in his own image.

The real Jesus is an adversarial force. Jesus works for GOD to prove us in our Love for GOD. That’s all I need to understand.
It is _ALWAYS_ a mistake to shut off your brain, content in your own ignorance of what you do not know.

It is those who hunger and thirst for righteous, not those who think they already are righteous, who will be filled.
It is all about balance: Because of the world offences must come; but woe unto those by whom the offence comes.
Consider the blowing wind, nature is always trying to equalize things. When there is a low pressure area, the high pressure area near to it will try to flow into the low. Proverbs: The continual dropping of water on a very rainy day, and a continteous woman are the same. He who hides her hides the wind.
The very judgement that is coming aginst evil people were indeed sown by them. And it will return upon them. If you sow enough seed, some are bound to come up, especially weeds(tares).
I believe that God is adversarial. I base my belief on the gnostic scriptures of the Nag Hammadi Library that makes mention of an evil, immature, child-like creator called Ialdaboath the Demiurge who manifests a material universe and traps the divine sparks of light (souls of humankind) within his creation to be his slaves.

Based on those scriptures, I see any organized religion based around a supreme male deity as adversarial to me.

God is my sworn enemy and I battle against him fighting along side my brother, Lucifer and his fallen angels aka soldiers.

Is it polytheism vs. monotheism, or is it that adherents of all religions tend to assume that their religion has the only "real" truth?
The Supreme Being is the same Supreme Being no matter what ancient text you are reading IT’s Specific Words from. Allah is the same as YHVH who is the same as Nu who is the same a Khnemu who is the same as Amma. The Supreme Being is the same no matter what name IT is recorded under. As long as that name is not found as theologically recorded as being less then Supreme. As long as we stick with the Specific Words of the Supreme Being then we have no conflict.

What happens in Polytheistic systems is a Son of GOD or Entity that is less then Supreme must somehow gain competence in equality to GOD thus the followers of the lesser being must strive to make their being equal to GOD and or replace GOD.

It is the nature of Polytheism that is evil because no mater what eventually someone will challenge the hierarchy to say their god is greater then that god or this god. Polytheism is what eventually destroyed Kemet / Egypt as you can see in the history of Egypt the Ogdoad get replaced by the Ennead, Ammon get replaced by Ra, Seth get replaced by Ammon, Ra get replaced by Aten and Aten get replaced by Osiris.

Every time you see a major change in ideological thought in the history of Kemet there was war, death and murder.

It is monotheism (Neter) vs polytheism (Neteru) that is the war between good and evil. Logic dictates there can only be one Supreme Being.
God, as the Creator of All, has to be the source of both Heru and Seth, of both Jesus and Satan, of both good and bad.
GOD is the Source of all things but GOD is not that specific thing. Just like the atom is in all things but we cannot call all things the atom. The atom can be found in a stick but we cannot call that stick the atom. GOD can be found in Evil but we cannot call that Evil GOD.

Isa:45:7: I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

God is the the Force from which all other forces/energies/matter are manifest. For him to be against any thing would be the same as him being against himself. Which is not possible because, unlike Bobby Brown, God ain't bipolar. Unfortunately, most religions are hopelessly dual and, hence, teach that God will punish the evil doers. And, of course, the evil doers are always the Other, not the Us.
What is an “evil-doer”?

In truth it is a person that does not serve GOD only.

The God of Jesus is not the angry, adversarial, vengeful, wrathful, jealous god of the Old Testament. The God of Jesus [keeping in mind that Jesus _is_ Ausar and Heru] is all about love, peace, and unity -- not vengeance, punishment, and wrath.
See how you have to destroy GOD in order to promote Jesus?
See how you have to attack the Old Testament in order to sustain the New Testament?

The nature of the New Testament is to create an army of people against the Old Testament.

Jesus speaks of destruction and vengeance but you don’t see his words when he speaks like that because you have already developed your own perception of what Jesus is.

It is those who hunger and thirst for righteous, not those who think they already are righteous, who will be filled.

What does it mean when one quotes directly from the Old Testament then says “but I say unto you”?
The Father is loving, and ever compassionate upon all of His children, but we have to understand that not all of His children embrace our Father, and so, eventually, He shall give them as they please. We shouldn't pretend as though things will always be this way whereas some accept the truth while others do not, and that the Most High is okay with His children even arguing His existence.

All things will come to their end, and the true beginning will happen once they do. Those who accept the Father, embracing His salvation by His Son who came as a sacrifice for our sins and who was resurrected from the dead the 3rd day will know eternity with the Father having embraced His Way even when others said we shouldn't, and even before we're crowned in His glory. This He promises to His children; those who seek to be legitimately His own by believing and remaining faithful forever.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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