I have been noticing for a little while
That you feel like you might be out of style
As if you're absolutely invisible to the world
As if you never know the joy of boy met girl
But what if...
What if it is just really not you season
What if the Almighty has a real reason
What if HE is still preparing her for you
What if rushing makes you miss your due
What if you step to quick and misstep
What if you are not ready for her depth
What if it is just not your appointed time
What if your lack of patience is a crime
What if the crime is stealing from your own fate
What if there's a lesson to be learned in the wait
What if you haven't get the right attitude yet
What if you haven't had time to forgive and forget
What if you haven't had time to heal life's wounds
What if you haven't quite made all the rounds
What if you baggage is to just to heavy right now
What if you don't really know all there is to know
What if your invisibility has a appointed purpose
What if you allow this season to run its course
What if you allow God to be God in this confusion
What if you allow him to make the last decision
So my brother as you feel invisible to the world
Wondering when shall you met your special girl
Know that HE had to shield you from sight
So HE could make everything just right
That you feel like you might be out of style
As if you're absolutely invisible to the world
As if you never know the joy of boy met girl
But what if...
What if it is just really not you season
What if the Almighty has a real reason
What if HE is still preparing her for you
What if rushing makes you miss your due
What if you step to quick and misstep
What if you are not ready for her depth
What if it is just not your appointed time
What if your lack of patience is a crime
What if the crime is stealing from your own fate
What if there's a lesson to be learned in the wait
What if you haven't get the right attitude yet
What if you haven't had time to forgive and forget
What if you haven't had time to heal life's wounds
What if you haven't quite made all the rounds
What if you baggage is to just to heavy right now
What if you don't really know all there is to know
What if your invisibility has a appointed purpose
What if you allow this season to run its course
What if you allow God to be God in this confusion
What if you allow him to make the last decision
So my brother as you feel invisible to the world
Wondering when shall you met your special girl
Know that HE had to shield you from sight
So HE could make everything just right